I am a 20 year old male that is in a unique situation compared to others my age. I was lucky enough to land a job that most people would not be able to get until many years after graduating college but I landed this job before I ever went to college. Every girlfriend I have had I have met through school and it seems like others my age are still meeting people through school. The biggest problem in my life right now is just meeting people. I have even considered taking community college classes or working an easy part time job, which may be great ways to meet people but committing to either of those is difficult if they may amount to nothing.

I work entirely remote (and everyone I work with is \~8 years older than me) so I can’t really meet anyone through work, and I am not into parties or anything similar. I live in a major city by many large universities so I feel like there should be lots of opportunities for me to meet people.

What are some ways that I can meet people when I am not going to college and on a path that is very different from most people my age?

  1. Social events. If there are college(s) there are probably bars. Any sports you are (or could get into) like tennis, then try going to a tennis club or something like that. Hobbies. Maybe you could find a local hobby shop hosting a weekly D&D night. Coffee shop. Read or brows the internet… just remember to look aprocable. These sort of activities also give you and anyone you meet common territory to talk about

  2. >The biggest problem in my life right now is just meeting people.

    Hmm, I think you mean: finding people to meet. My suggestion:

    (for anywhere that people congregate at anytime, BUT, that does mean leaving your home)

    **’eye contact’**

    Are you able to respond to eye contact? eg. A girl across the room gives you ‘the eye’ (holds your gaze longer than normal, not just once but two or more times).

    Can you go up to her if she’s attractive to you, and introduce yourself? Perhaps engage her in conversation leading to an offer of a date (by you), or, exchange of texting numbers (with the objective of ultimately offering to date her via text).

  3. I have the same problem and I’m 23.

    I think volunteering is one great way to meet people. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, even for an hour or something you could do an event. Even if you don’t meet anyone you helped people which is always a good thing. I’ve met a few people that way, although we’re not super close.

    Another way is through work or career opportunities, like classes or societies. My career is mostly women but I think that might work for me, I’m ambitious anyway.

    I hate online dating, and from what I observe people don’t generally talk to someone random in public. But maybe just having a hang out spot also, like a coffee shop. If people see you there a lot they may get curious and ask about you. Either way you get work done while you’re there.

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