My whole life people have called me rude, mean, annoying, lazy, etc.
ive heard it from family, classmates, coworkers, as long as i can remember.

I try really hard to be likeable. Im not very talkative, but im friendly, try to be helpful, i dont think im rude to people. I dont think people necessarily hate me, they just seem to find me annoying. I get talked down to a lot. People seem to assume i dont know much even on topics i do know about. People talk about me behind my back a lot but not even about interesting things, just being mad that i spilled something while i was rushing or something silly.

Im terrible at making friends. I feel like i don’t understand other people at all and i dont know how to get people to view me as anything other than annoying and mean

  1. First i wanna tell you that if you’re an angel with wings you’ll still find people hating you … So rule number 1 fu** the people who doesn’t like anything…

    I think just isolate yourself a little bit… Try to find yourself in things you love and trust me … People will just come to you

  2. I genuinely would get hate from people whose name I do not know nor have I done any harm towards, it is either jealousy of some trait you have, or you just appear weak so people just prey on you.

    Since people already hate you even if you do/say nothing bad to them, might as well live up to their expectations and make them hate you for a good reason. lol…..

    Do not apologize to people you know are not worth apologizing to even if you’re wrong, if anyone fat/ugly/poor/have a shameful past talks badly about you then remind them of their flaws, if someone talks down to you, literally just tell them to stop patronizing you, just be more confrontational, piss people off as much as they piss you off, it literally can’t get any worse than what you have described, it might even get better…..

    Of course, only do that to people who bother you for no good reason, do not go out of your way to be a bad person, be good to good people and be bad to bad people, simple as.

  3. Can you give samples of situations where people called you rude, lazy, annoying, etc.? Like, did they just say that unprompted for no reason or was it because of something you did or didn’t do?

    As others have said, some people just have the bad fortune of being surrounded and preyed on by mean people. Other times, people are disliked because of things they do even if they have no ill intentions and just don’t notice what they’re doing is wrong.

    I was called annoying when I was a kid by a lot of people (grade school to early high school) and not well liked. I didn’t understand why back then, but now that I’m older I can look back and think that… yeah, I was really annoying.

  4. One thing I’ve learned about making friends was that it seems hard, but it’s not. . .
    Try doing something you’re really good at, or do something you have the most fun doing. Keep doing it even if you’re alone. Continue to do it until someone, anyone, approaches you doing it. Be nice to them. Continue until the people you want to approach you, approach you.

    Example: I have this football with a flat side on one side. I would throw it against a wall and catch it. It bounces from the flat side. Then my yuppie boss saw me playing alone and said hey do you mind if I play too. No I don’t mind at all. He smokes and won’t play for more than a few catches so who cares. Pretty soon the whole place was out there playing with me. Three flags up. If you catch the ball 3 times you get to throw for everyone.

    I’m sure you’ll find something.

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