Right, I’ll keep it brief:

I was good friends with X (let’s call him Cameron). I stopped being friends with Cameron as he’s a crappy person, bad vibes and such. Constantly puts you down, or tries to….

So Cameron’s ex (let’s call her Delilah), and I have always had a bit of a thing for each other, but obviously it was never made apparent.

They broke up 2 months back. Me and my ex broke up 6 months back.

I see her in the gym and the tension is immense. We clearly fancy each other.

How do I pursue her (should I even pursue her) without being labelled a ‘rat’ or a bad person.

I live in London, opinions are harsh and I have a great job and good friends. I don’t want to damage my ‘reputation’ or ‘cred’ or whatever you call it.

Any advice on how to get this girl in the best way would be great. Has anyone been in a similar situation?

Thank you!

Tl;dr – I want to get with this girl but my ex friend split up with her a while back. It’s a sticky one, but the heart wants what the heart wants.

  1. Why do you even care what he thinks, or people who would be sympathetic to him think

    Pursue her. Have a good time. Live your life mate

  2. Be a FWB on the down low til you decide if you want something more. Then you can decide if the hit to your reputation is something you’re willing to take for a real relationship to work.

  3. Your friends must know this guy is an asshole already? Who doesn’t like to see an asshole get their comeuppance? Perhaps start seeing her very quietly and let some time pass…2 months out of a relationship isn’t that much.

  4. I don’t really see a conflict since you aren’t friends with Cameron anymore. Even if you have friends in common, it should be known you don’t associate with him anymore and so you also don’t owe him any real consideration. I think you should just ask her out. I don’t know why this would cause drama or is Cameron still have a lot of sway in your social circles?

  5. If you don’t care and have no friendship with him… If he knows you are not friends. Bro code has no roll in you going out for whom you want to be with. Do you. I hope all works out for the best. Good luck. You may have other friends that share a friendship with him, that may be your fear. Let it go if you believe she is worth any drama that may happen.

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