What did you care about when you were younger that you don’t care about anymore?

  1. When I was younger, I was actually really passionate about drug addiction and helping people not get addicted or in their recovery from drug addiction.

  2. The threat of nuclear war…. no wait, its back again. Thanks Von Der Leyen, Putin, and Biden! I didn’t even noticed I missed the cold war.

  3. Being a man.

    As I developed and became worth a shit, responsibility became inevitable and suffocating. I just want to read and write and listen to music, but the world won’t let capable men be children without considerable effort.

    I always end up having to do some bullshit for someone. It’s a burden.

  4. Politics, same shit different year and the cycles of its all going to end every say ten years. I no longer will overly try with people that are not close to me, and focus on those that put the effort in too.

    Having the most upto date kit or brands. Its dead money and your buying it to impress people that don’t care about you.

    I could go on.

  5. My political view. Like I was super right wing when I was younger and I still am republican but these recent years made me realize “yeah I’m ok I’ll just keep to my self and not care about others political views. As Long as they are nice they are cool with me”

  6. Cars used to love them and i still kinda do but i don’t care as much anymore like when i was 13_14 i’d spend hours looking at especially the skyline and the audi r8 now i still like them but it’s just meh

  7. * Not being considered a dork
    * Dressing up every time I go somewhere, even if it’s just to a store
    * What other people think of my music taste
    * Keeping up with the latest music and dances
    * Keeping track of NFL stats
    * Being concerned about talking “too proper”

  8. Having “friends”. I’d rather have someone who is genuine around me than having someone who forgets I exist for 5 years.

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