My girlfriend (18F) can’t orgasm and I (19M) worry so much because I fear it’s to do with me and I don’t want her to be unsatisfied. Before people in the comments ask. Yes we’ve had a conversation about this, on more than one occasion. She said during self pleasure she cant either and hasn’t done in 2 years.

We communicate well with eachother and during sex I’m making sure she feels good and that I’m doing what she likes aswell as foreplay. I can tell when I’m doing something good and she’s always told me if I’m not doing something right.

The majority of the time I get her close to orgasm but I can’t seem to help her get to the finish line. I’ve helped her cum a few times but it was funny because she hadn’t realised till she went to the toilet after. She tells me she feels like she’s orgasming but then ofc she’s not. She also says when she’s close she gets v emotional, to the point of near tears. Which is strange because she’s not an emotional person.

Any advice is welcome, I just don’t know what to do.

p.s she gets over stimulated when going fast but can’t feel much when there’s light pressure or slower pace in terms of foreplay stuff

  1. If she’s told you she struggles herself then it’s nothing to do with you and your abilities.

    It sounds more like a psychological thing. I think she just needs to learn to relax a bit more and not necessarily have The Orgasm as a goal – just do what feels good and if it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, then that’s fine too.

    Or… maybe, the brute force approach, get a vibrator and send her over the edge with that!

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