It’s so weird. All my life I’ve had little trouble making friends with people my age, and I’ve always charmed the older generation. I have held a variety of jobs (I was a co-op student so I’ve been working for a while) and never had a problem with collaborating, interviewing, being professional, even training at times. In fact I’m pretty respected at my current work.

But when it comes to romantic relationships, I feel like a teenager lol. I’m taking a much needed dating break now, but I look back at dating blunders I made less than a year ago and they are CRINGE.

I don’t want to get too detailed, but in one example I broke up with someone over text and I feel like the biggest asshole. In another instance when I was having difficulty navigating a relationship, I wrote my thoughts down and sent a document that outlined my needs and wants to the person I was dating. They found it weird, like I was drawing up a “contract.” (Tbf, this was a complicated polyamory situation and emotions were rough).

I was a late bloomer and didn’t date in high school, didn’t meet my first partner til I was 23. I often felt like people who date speak a different language, or they all read a manual I never received in the mail.

My therapist thinks I may be autistic. But like I said, I’m decent at all relationships save romantic ones. Could I be “selectivel” autistic?

Or is it all just practice? Then how come some people can marry the first person they ever date? Like my parents? Dating just BAFFLES me lol.

  1. I’m in the same boat but I am 26 and have not dated yet lol. I am fine when it comes to making friends, but when it comes to dating, I suck at getting past the talking stage. A part of the problem is that I crush on the wrong people (e.g. they are either taken, or they have a different preference in a significant other that I don’t fit). I don’t have advice to give, but you are definitely not the only one going through that. I guess on the bright side you’ve been on more dates than me lol.

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