So yesterday after class, this cute girl that I have a pretty big crush on basically agreed to get l coffee with me. She waited for me in class to finish packing up and then walked with me out of class and we were just making small talk the whole time. Then we got outside and she said she was probably going to go get some food since she was hungry. I told her I was going to go get coffee since I wanted some and she decided to come with me to also get some.

While we were waiting for our coffee, she casually drops a comment about her “partner” (like something about his job).

Does she like me or want to date me? Does she just want to get to know me? I’m just really confused why she would just casually say she has a “partner” when she wanted to get coffee 1 on 1 with me.

  1. Idk about your country, but in my country a person in a relationship don’t go in dates with people from opposite sex like that.

  2. When a woman casually mentions her partner, it’s usually to let you know that she has one, and that you shouldn’t get the wrong idea.

  3. Sounds like she wants to be friends. People in relationships with partners that trust them can have friends of the opposite sex.

  4. Some people can’t take hints. She was hinting at you that she doesn’t want to date you, however she didn’t explicitly say that she wants to be friends.

    If you don’t want to be friends, say so.

  5. The delusion in this thread is hilarious.

    Guy with “huge crush” gets invited to coffee by a woman with a partner. This will end well definitely platonic.


  6. This is just my $0.02 and YMMV. I think the best romances happen amongst friends.

    If hypothetically you are the best man on Earth. You are honest and funny and caring, yada, yada, yada. How would she know any of this unless she knows you. If she gets a coffee with you and discovers that you are amazing, then you can also learn about her. Amber Heard looks lovely but sounds vile. If you both are extremely compatible and attracted to each other, you still don’t know about her current SO. He is not her husband. Are they exclusive? Is he a jerk? IDK.

    So for now, be respectful while getting to know her. As you learn more, you will make better choices.

    That is the best advice I can do with the small amount of Information we have so far. So far all I know is is you like her and she likes coffee.

  7. I feel like you just want it to “mean” something, seeing as 95% of the comments say it’s clearly an atremtonat friendship and you responsed to the 5% who said it MIGHT mean something different.

    If you can’t be friends with a female, because you have a crush or whatever, don’t have coffee with her the next time she asks. I have a SO and he had a lot of female friends, where I have many guy friends because I worked and studied in a male dominated environment whereas is was opposite.

  8. It just simply sounds like friendship. She’s in the same class as you, she likes you, you’re making small talk and both hungry/thirsty at the same time so she suggests to get coffee/food together. I’ve done this with plenty of classmates and co-workers through the years.

    If you really like her and have a crush on her, I suppose wait and see, when you continue to talk and get to know each other better, if she mentions it not being serious or that a breakup is in consideration – and then take it from there 🤷🏼‍♀️

  9. She obviously just wants to throw that out there sooner than later so you don’t get the wrong idea. That way you know where she stands and your meet up isn’t anything romantic, or that will turn romantic.

  10. She just wants to be friends! I’ve had unfortunate experiences with some male coworkers of mine, so now I make it a point to casually mention my boyfriend when there’s a natural way for me to do it in the conversation. I just don’t want there to be any room for speculation. Sounds like this girl is doing the same, so don’t read into it too much.

  11. She probably wants to be your friend. Nothing more which is why she made sure to let you know she has a partner so you wouldn’t get the wrong idea. You’re confused because you want it to be more but she made it clear it won’t be.

  12. Sounds like you both were headed to get food independently and so walked over together. Didn’t sound like a special trip together to get coffee. Don’t read anything into it.

  13. People get coffee all the time, it doesn’t mean she wants your dick. Without more information- You probably gave off weird vibes, she realized it meant something different to you, so she mentioned her boyfriend to make it clear it was just coffee.

  14. It might mean that, while she has a boyfriend already, she is attracted to you. She may be thinking of leaving the boyfriend. “Partner” not “husband”. However it could also mean she likes you as a friend, but she is already in a committed relationship and has no intention of dating you. So the question is, what do you want? If you want more from this woman, ask her. There is a chance. She might be considering leaving her partner. It’s possible.

  15. She’s looking for a friend or a classmate. People can be friends with others of the opposite sex. She’s establishing boundaries early. However, if you want to be her friend, you gotta remove your feelings of being her crush, otherwise you will be crushed by it.

  16. I know that it’s a crazy concept but she just wants a friend. There are plenty of men with lots of female friends and they are not attracted to them whatsoever. Little something called being mature.

  17. You very casually asked if she wanted to get coffee after class. She probably thinks you’re cool and enjoys your company, but she’s not interested in you romantically. I’ve had coffee or lunch in similar situations many times over the years and I’ve been with my husband for over a decade. You could potentially start a nice friendship or have a good acquaintance, but don’t expect any more than that. If you’re not interested in that no worries! Just don’t ask to hang out again and politely decline if she offers. This is not a big deal.

  18. Classic man thinking a woman being friendly means she wants to smash lol. Never heard of this thing called “being friends”?

  19. HOLY FUCKING JESUS BALLS SHE JUST WANTS TO BE FRIENDS. God some of you people in the comments are delusional. If she does try pulling a move on you just walk away and don’t interact with her.

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