I have struggled with my skin for a while now and the dermatologist says it looks better and people I know say it looks healthy, but i still fixate on it daily. I frankly feel very odd about my skin texture bc in photos it’s barely visible. It’s there tho, and when I first meet a guy I let them know up front i have bad skin.

I just don’t know how to stop worrying. People call me pretty often, so i don’t know if I am or not..or how bad my skin texture really is.

It’s annoying to always be worrying about it and I confidence is attractive, but I just don’t feel comfortable with my skin all the time.

I don’t want to wear makeup on the first date, maybe some mascara and lipgloss, but nothing more bc i want to be real.

What can I do to stop feeling bad? Anyone else had a similar experience?

  1. I have acne and acne scars it ain’t no fun. I don’t wear foundation, blush and highlighter anymore. Just eye makeup and chapstick and lipstick. I’m gonna be go to a dermatologist for the first time soon. Trust me acne ain’t fun I know. I’ve dealt with it my entire Middle School and High School. I’ve always felt ugly too. Until I realized idc what people think of me anymore!

  2. I know it’s hard but honestly don’t bring it up, just go on the date. If they want to see you again, they will, and if they don’t, they don’t!

    And just don’t spend too long texting them before meeting up with them. I find it’s easier to go into a date without too much expectations.

  3. How old are you? Do you have a skin care routine now? Do you have medication from the dermatologist? I’m a 30F. I know that the in thing is to not wear makeup but damn at least wear tinted moisturizer or something, be girly. It will help with confidence. I have bad skin and I wouldn’t even think to go on a date without tinted moisturizer, and mascara. If you don’t want to wear makeup you need to get your skin in check

  4. girl I was just telling the person im in talking stages with that my acne scarring is the only physical thing im self conscious about and he’s been really sweet. When we very first started talking and we’re sending selfies, I sent him one of me wearing a sheet mask and mentioned skin care is super important to me because of my past with acne from birth control. Later he asked if I had any physical insecurities so I explained that more in depth. it ended up being a really nice chat. I always feel nervous about it on first dates but tbh, most guys don’t care at all as long as it’s clear you’re taking care of yourself.

    Sounds like it’s getting better for you, these things take time and a good man worth your time will not make you feel self conscious about it 🫶🏼

  5. I wouldn’t worry about it much. They probably won’t notice much and if they do they probably won’t think about it for more than a second or two. I don’t think it’s going to be any kind of big deal as far as attraction goes. I’ve never really found acne scars unnatractive personally, though I also have some rough ones that are slowly improving. Think about when you’ve met people with acne scars, did you think much about it?

    Also you didn’t ask but if you haven’t already look into tretinoin, it can do a lot for acne scarring. Sorry if you don’t want unsolicited advice I don’t mean to be rude, just that it’s helped my skin tons so I like to spread the gospel haha.

    Also, your skin texture is probably way less noticeable than you think it is. When we look in the mirror we stare closely at all the things we don’t like, other people aren’t likely to notice most of them at all, they just look at your overall face, eyes, expressions, etc.

  6. I have acne scars all over my face from a decade-ish of hormonal acne. The worst ones are in the middle of my forehead and are quite deep. But honestly I get hit on everywhere I go by men and women in all sorts of different places. I don’t wear any makeup either (I have lash extensions and my brows are microbladed) I find foundation makes the scars look worse.

    It’s all about how you carry yourself. Forget about the scars and focus intensely on building an unwavering inner self confidence. Trust me, when you radiate and glow from within, no one will notice the scars.

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