Me 18f and my boyfriend 19m have been together for over 2 years and have been living together for about 9 months but lately he’s become distant he stopped helping with bills, groceries, cleaning/laundry, and even stoped taking me on dates (which I still make the effort to surprise him with dates regularly) when he is home he’s always texting his friends and a few I’ve noticed are other girls Which I wouldn’t normally mind however one of them I know he had a thing for back in high school. When I asked him about he said it was nothing and got upset that I “assumed he could/would do something like that” so I’ve let it be but he won’t respond to her text if I’m around. Which in my opinion is a little suspicious. He says he loves me and “wants to marry me” but doesn’t care to listen when I try to tell him about my day he will get sucked into video games or YouTube however whenever he has something to say I am fully attentive my sisters say that this is just regular guy behavior and I should just ride it out but I’m not sure. Any advice???

1 comment
  1. Okay so ask yourself this: would you fall in love with him if you met him now instead of 2 years ago? As in, would you fall in love with a man who doesn’t help with bills, groceries, chores, and who doesn’t take you on dates? If the answer is no, well that is the man you are living with. The man you fell for 2 years ago is not the same man he is now.

    As someone who is a decade older than you, to me it just seems like he’s a typical teenage kid who wants to experiment with other girls more before settling down. You’re the shiny new toy that has now become boring. You’re in love with him and seeing him as a long term partner, whereas he saw you as a sort of conquest and now that he conquered it he’s bored. I say this because he doesn’t listen to your stories with any real interest, which to me makes me think he’s not in love anymore. He’s waiting for another girl to come along to spark his interest before he leaves you for her, because right now he’s very comfortable with you cleaning up after him and paying for groceries.

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