So yesterday I (M) was walking home at 2 am in a suburban neighborhood. Not many people are around there at this time, so I was pleasantly surprised when I spotted a girl about my age coming towards me. I remembered the stuff from here and became nervous, but I thought I should do it, since she probably won’t even remember my face because of the darkness. She was on the sidewalk and I was on the street, so I intercepted her on the sidewalk and said like “Hey beautiful, what are you doing at this time all alone?” Embarassing lol, but I mean I didn’t know anything else about her so I think it was a great opener still.

She just stuttered something like “Sorry I have to go” and wanted to get away from me, and I blocked her way and asked “you sure?” in case she was playing hard to get. She just said “Yes” in a firm tone and I made the way free and she rapidly went away.

It might also be important that I carry a fairly large combat knife because you never know what might happen in lonely areas at night, and I wear it openly so nobody messes w/ me. Of course I hid it under my shirt when I approached her, although I think she might have seen it.

Anyway, this was such a great experience because for me since there was like nobody around and no negative consequences could happen. Baby steps. It also bosted my confidence so much! How many other men dare to approach a girl like that?

  1. straight up never approach a girl like that again in your life. And honestly go get help, this whole post is so fucked up

  2. Whether this is a troll post or not, it’s a great example of one of the worst ways to approach someone.

  3. I know you probably don’t realise this, but are u kidding??
    U approach a girl at this time when she’s alone just to prove you’re able to do it?
    That was not a rejection, that was her terrified from you telling her what she’s doing at this time.

    I just feel sorry for her.

  4. This is obviously a joke, my 12 year old brother makes quality jokes like these too so I recognize it

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