What is the best advice you received when it comes to relationships ?

  1. You’re a team. That means when when you disagree or fight, it has to be both of you against the issue at hand. It cannot be you verses them. Because if it is, and if you win. You didn’t win. You lost, they lost, you both lost. It has to be you two, together as a team, verses the issue at hand.

  2. I had an older gentleman once said to me after getting married, “The key to a successful marriage and a happy wife, is to wash a lot of dishes.” While that’s literal as much as it is figurative, I’m one week away from 19 years married………and that old man was right. Almost all that we do for our “other” – helping them and trying to make the day easier for each other – demonstrates how much we love each other.

  3. Communication is the foundation of _any_ relationship.

    If there’s ever a clash, this is often the root cause.

  4. “Don’t make someone a priority if they’re only treating you like an option.” An old dude in a bar told me that one years ago and that old drunk mf’er was right.

  5. Don’t be afraid to breach difficult topics. A few mins, hours or days of being uncomfortable could save potentially years and years of agony. Have the courage to talk about that topic as an adult.

  6. Single and lonely is better than unhappy together.

    Don’t commit during the honeymoon period. Ride it out long enough to see how much the sex life dies down and how they handle an argument that happens more than once.

    DO NOT MOVE IN TOGETHER until you have been successfully living separately for a LONG time.

    Lonely is still peaceful.

  7. If she’s your number 1 doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a number 2.

    Just saying be aware. Not that you can’t trust woman

  8. Always trade up.

    Your happiness only comes from the inside. Find other people that are happy with themselves first.

    Don’t hang on when one has run it’s course.

  9. >What is the best advice you received when it comes to relationships ?

    Never stick your dick in drama. Shits like glitter, it gets everywhere and doesn’t wash off.

    You and your partner are a team. Everything should benefit both sides.

  10. ITs your relationship too not just the womans. You are allowed to have expectations for what you want and if its not meeting your needs you dont have to stay.

  11. Listen to her. Don’t jump to conclusion or Don’t give her advice, she knows what to-do, it’s just she wants someone to be there

  12. Ask yourself the simple question:”would I accept that kind of behavior from my best friend?”

  13. If you don’t want to be intimate don’t feel forced to be just because that’s what society expects of you. Communicate it with your bf if he supports you he’s a keeper of he trys to pressure you run for the hills.

    This also applies of a girls trying to force you! Not matter the gender it is wrong and you should never feel pressured!

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