How does it feel to have a significant other touching you all the time?

  1. Depends by what you mean by all the time, but I guess very often. It feels very nice if your love language is physical touch

  2. I kinda miss it now that I’m single but I thought it was annoying when I was dating

  3. I personally like it, sometimes we don’t even notice but we like holding hands, hugging, etc

  4. My top love languages are physical touch and quality time so I LOVEEEE being touched by him. Once we got comfortable, I was kissing up on him everywhere and I think he caught on cause now he does it maybe even more than I do and I always melt a little. He loves to kiss my hand when he holds it and forehead and just head kisses. If I’m doing anything standing up, he’ll come up behind me and hold me and kiss my neck. Were not into PDA so he won’t do it with others around which I appreciate but once we’re alone or at home, ugggh love it. Cuddles too.

  5. Touching is fine, I just don’t always like to be hugged or otherwise fully embraced. It makes me feel claustrophobic, panicky, and angry.

  6. Don’t currently have a partner, but I like it a lot

    Constant hand holding is just fine with me☺️

  7. so so so comforting. he knows i’m anxious and that it helps so he’s always touching me in some way :,)

  8. He doesn’t mind. When we’re alone, I either cuddle up next to him, hold his hand, touch his leg, or sitting where we touch when sitting side by side. But rarely do I do that when other people are around. Maybe hand holding lol.

    He does the same too, it feels nice. I like physical affection so it’s a welcoming act.

  9. Almost 21 years later & I still love my hubby touching me with his strong hands..

    We hug with some neck kisses every single morning before work and hug a few times after work and before bed. And multiple times on weekends.

    My favorite is when I’m standing doing something (dishes or cooking, ect..) and he comes behind me and hugs me, kisses my neck.

    We aren’t shy about PDA, but we don’t do any inappropriate stuff in public either. if we are in a crowd he will hold my hand, his arm around my waist or my shoulders so we can’t get separated (or just a show of “My woman”.. lol)..

  10. My bf’s love language is physical touch, so he wants to cuddle all the time. I honestly hate it so much, but I dislike being touched in general

  11. I went from not happening at all unless i initiated (ex wife) to having it happen all the time.

    It’s like night and day. Makes you feel desired, wanted and considered in the relationship. Could never consider anything less in a relationship.

    This is how it always SHOULD have been.

  12. I’m not really a huge fan of being touched in general, because it makes me feel anxious and uncomfortable for some unknown reason

  13. I think it could smother you , but I am not in this situation anymore and I’m good, no complaints

  14. Me and my fiancé are incredibly affectionate and tactile. I absolutely love it. All my life I have never had this, in my previous relationships or marriage that failed – partly because i felt rejected; and it’s something i have always wanted. I find it reassuring, stimulating, supportive, caring, and a whole manner of other emotions…..but ultimately, it makes me feel loved and wanted. I do the same with him as I want to show him the same level of love and desire. I think its healthy to do this within a relationship, but everyone is different. Everyone has differing needs and desires.

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