what questions are you tired of getting asked?

  1. When I’m having children (the answer is never) and why I’m so often quiet and solitary (I’m just very introverted by nature).

  2. where i plan on going to school.

    only because when i name a school out of state i get criticized about how i shouldn’t go so far away from family

  3. My age. Apparently I look a lot younger than I am— eventually something comes up about childhood or college graduation etc..something that dates me and then I get asked. Immediately the person will look shocked and repeat my age. Like yes thank you it is amazing I’m not crumbling into dust or scooting around the age home on a walker isn’t it? Rude and annoying.

  4. How old are you?


    Are you a student?

    Because their reaction to my answer is always, ALWAYS patronizing and condescending.

  5. “What happened?” – strangers and acquaintances every time I go out during summertime, cause my hundreds of self harm scars are visible. They already know what happened and I don’t understand why they think I’d want to discuss that with people I don’t know. Or with anyone when I’m just trying to go about my day. Worst is when creepy dudes try to use it to hit on me.

    “Why did you do that?” is another classic. None. Of. Your. Business.

    Not exaggerating when I say that if I’m out in public for a few hours at LEAST two strangers will ask each time. I’m not about to cover them up but WHY DO PEOPLE THINK IT’S OKAY TO ASK???

    Also had a couple of people who came up just to tell them they’re disgusting.

    They’re all healed. I would never show off an unhealed wound. Every single one is white or a really light pink color. They’ll always be there and always be noticeable. And I’m not gonna sweat all summer for the rest of my life to hide them. People should just leave me the fuck alone… It’s kinda like me going up to a random stranger asking them to tell me about their traumas – inappropriate, and I don’t get how people think it stops being inappropriate just cause you can SEE that I’ve had a tough time.

    I’m okay with people who have self harm scars/issues themselves coming up to ask things, seeking identification or hope though. That’s different.

    End of rant.

  6. What my tattoos mean.

    Nothing. They mean nothing. I like bats, thought a bat tattoo would look cool, and got one.

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