I am a very shy person and have trouble expressing myself. I was never the type of person who inititates conversations and I always wait for people to say talk to me first. I was employed in my first job as a tutor for a middle school. My supervisor who was a teacher there seemed more concerned with me talking than actually working. She always criticized what I did or didn’t do. She was type who was blunt and always spoke her mind and gave criticism.

Each day when I came in to work, she kept pointing how she didn’t like how I wasn’t talking. The fact that she kept criticizing me, made me all the more quiet. She never accepted me for who I was and what I was comfortable with. I didn’t talk much to the point where I answered her yes/no questions with only yes or no. She said, “Why do youonly answer with yes or no? Why don’t you answer in complete sentences? The next time I will ask you something, you’re going tosay only say “Yes.” Yes what?” Cut that out. It’s a bad habit. Every time when I only answered “Yes,” She would say, “Yes, what? I don’t want to hear that. Stop saying only one word.”

When I came in to work, I would wait for her o greet me first, and she would give me a look then I would say “Hi.” She said, “Every time you come in, you have to say hello.” I became terrified of her that whenever she came into the room, I would panic and look like I was working harder on what I was doing. She noticed this and copied what I was doing and said, “Every time you see me,you panic. I don’t want to see that. You’re not my child. You’re an adult. You better start acting like one. Whether I’m here for not, you should do what you’re supposed to.”

There was one time when she tested me and was waiting for me to take the initiative to ask her for something. She had the keys and she saw that books needed to be put inside the room and the door was locked. She waited, and said “You know that you’re supposed to ask me for the keys and put those things away. Are you just going to leave them there like that?” She said, “You need people skills. Having good grades is not everything and won’t get you far in life.” Then a former tutor came into the room while she was talking to me, and they talked. She said, “That is how people have conversations.”

  1. She sounds terrible. A good manager should be efficient in bringing the best out of people instead of tearing them down. A good manager also should know how to work with different personalities and not want “one personality”. If she’s that observant that you are terrified of her and she’s still doing that instead of bringing the best out of you then she’s completely hurting the company’s productivity. I’m so sorry you are experiencing this and I feel angry for you at your behalf. She could have been much more sensitive to your needs in order to help you flourish socially instead of taking out her frustration on you.

  2. Find someplace else to work. Labor is hard to find right now. Also, however, try to learn from the experience.

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