My husband (30M) and I (30F) got married at a young age. I found out about the cheating recently, He denies everything of course but a year ago I found messages on his phone with other women and then a couple months ago saw dating apps on his phone at least 5 dating apps. Both times I found out by accident not because I was looking I trusted him and never doubted his loyalty. Before you judge we got married young because he was in the military and if you know you know. Young and dumb.. luckily we dont have kids. However we do have two properties. I dont want conflict just want out.. but its still scary my whole adult life ive been with him. Idk if im asking for advice or encouragement maybe just needed to vent. But maybe words of advice or anything really.. what would you do in my situation?

TL;DR My husband of 10yrs has been cheating for the past 7yrs but denies it?

  1. If you need encouragement just GTFO, don’t even think about it. Someone who’s 10 years into a marriage with 5 dating apps there’s no saving that just walk away. I’m sure it’s scary but think about how much is out there you never got to experience as a single person in your 20s. Sacrificing all that is great for someone who is your soulmate but dude clearly is not so don’t waste another day.

  2. Talk to a lawyer. They’ll tell you how to end the marriage as easily as possible.

  3. He is a cheat sheet. You both got married young and he never had a chance for other women and is now making up lost time. Get a game plan together and get a good lawyer to divide and then HIDE from that guy. Good Luck.

  4. Tell him you stay pn property one, he stays on property 2 and he can invite all his b’tces there because you are divorcing him.

  5. Do what you would advise you best friend to do if she was in this situation. And cleanly and quickly.

  6. Walk away and start a new chapter…the one where you thank “love” and then say goodbye! the illusion, love can only last for so long, nowadays it’s so easy to get a prostitute or any other girl with dating apps, seems like you’ll never be enough, there’s plenty of unreal girls on insta, it’s funny to see how men keep chasing unreal women (cus they literally don’t exist) while real women won’t go out with guys cus they can’t compete with all the filters…we’re heading into a weird future….where there’s always greener CGI generated grass on the other side but no one wants to meet lol, be thankful you got to experience love but understand that that’s it, it was an experience, love never lasts, live your adult life without the pain that comes from trusting someone else with your heart, be thankful you realized this now and not 30 years into it…people get shadier with age…., love can survive while you’re young and naive, as you grow older you understand it was just a facade, you’ve grown stronger, you’ll love bein by yourself, welcome the new era..

  7. Run.

    You are young, without children and have assets to rebuild your life. Stop wasting your life on someone who doesn’t respect you and find someone who will love you like you deserve. It might be a frightening thing to do, but the alternative is spending a lifetime waiting for him to give you a STD, telling you he got another woman pregnant or leaving you at a later date for one of these women. You deserve happiness not to be betrayed.

  8. 1. Get tested for STDs.
    2. Gather evidence if you want.
    3. Contact lawyer and start divorce proceedings.
    4. Contact family members for support.
    5. Determine where you want to live.
    6. Make sure you are safe and don’t let him gaslight you.
    7. Remember that you’ve done nothing wrong. You don’t deserve this. And you are worthy of a decent man who loves and respects you.

    Good luck.

  9. Get a lawyer and put together an exit strategy. Prepare to file, and do it quietly. Wait until you’re all set up to let him know. Get yourself an STD test too. If legal, record any interactions with him. Do the 180.

  10. I got a divorce from my high school sweetheart last year–one silver lining is there’s no fighting about what is and isn’t marital property, you just split everything 50/50 and get out

  11. Seek legal advice before you do anything else. Tell no one. Get copies of all bank statements, credit cards, etc. Be sure you have a copy of your wedding certificate, any life insurance policies and if possible the deeds to your properties and if you have given your husband a power of attorney you need to take that with you to the attorney. Follow your attorneys advice, do not be persuaded to give it another go or to be intimate with him. Clean break. Good luck and you will be fine. You are still a young women and now a much smarter one.

  12. Here’s your words of encouragement. You deserve better, there are men who will give you better and then some. He deserves not an ounce of your time and I wouldn’t even waste my breath saying goodbye

  13. It sounds like you’re already moving solidly towards getting out, which seems like the best move. I’m a bit curious about his explanations, but in the end, you know how you feel.

    Just remember that this isn’t court, and you don’t need to prove anything to justify leaving.

    And I know that being on your own again after so long can be scary, but it’s not THAT bad in reality. I urge you to enjoy the single life for a while, and get comfortable before starting to date again

  14. I’m in the military. Female. People like your husband, with that many dating app on his phone.. TDY & deployments are littered with cheating POS like your husband. People get drunk ALL THE TIME and fuck ALL THE TIME. You deserve better.

  15. I just want to know what does it mean “if you know you know” because he was in the military?

  16. Lawyer, gym, STD test. Lawyer first! Then maybe some therapy will help you understand that this really didn’t have much to do with you! Your husband was just an ass.

  17. Ouch I am sorry this happened to you. After 10 years being alone is a scary though. I just had a marriage end and its no fun. Takes time. But it sounds like hes had absolutely no respect for you for most of your marriage. kick em to the curb. Its tough but you will survive.

  18. You are so young still – get out now while you can. I didn’t meet my husband until I was 29, so you will have lots of opportunities to meet other people. Don’t drag it out -just divorce and move on

  19. There is no definite answer, and it really depends on the situation. If you are not ready to leave your husband, then you may want to try and work things out with him. However, if you are not comfortable staying in the relationship, then you may want to consider leaving.

  20. Here is a little of both don’t be overly omfg He did WHAT! Well no I mean of course that stage is in the mix and shit I say go big. That being said never decide the fate a woman is a very superior being in the puzzle solving reason area provided she is not horny or angry! Now now tell me I am wrong! Come on all I am saying is your whole adult life and I am positive there is more to this than just that but that is not my business. See I really have to attend from this side of this because of the Son of God Jesus Christ! Saying I Do! is just wee bit more than yes i will or no i will not. Now if not for the dirt bag ape brain dick driven cheater (your welcome but this never came from me.) than do you not owe at the very least reflective thought to god on this and if you believe you owe much more. The debt is cleared when you can say God I tried I looked at it from every side of it and it all reads asshole penis itchier belly sniffer. I wish for a divorce I have prayed about. Sorry I really did stumble on this and encouragement is that if you do this for God and yourself you leave smelling like Irish Spring (or you know whatever soap you like.) He gets all the smell and sticks for literally years! anyhoo gtg Have a great day Mam!

  21. She don’t want a divorce she caught him cheating in 2021 and still with him in 2022 lol. And found more evidence months ago and continued to be with him

  22. Divorce him and take him to the cleaners. That’s some messed up stuff.

    Don’t forget to get STD tested too,

  23. Leave immediately. You have no kids and money (since you got property and all lol).

    Even tho you spent those 10 years with him, don’t lose hope. I met the love of my life at 32…

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