We’ve been together for 2 years (27F & 26M) and I just always feel like it’s a fight whenever I ask for more attention. He would be perfectly fine just doing nothing and says he doesn’t share the same need for attention that I do. I feel brushed off so often. I ask him to do small things to show me he cares, instead I feel like I just end up picking up all the slack to keep any romance alive. I feel like I practically have to beg him to have sex and even then it’s “I’m too full” “it’s too late” “I’m too tired” “we’ll do it later this weekend”. I get he has a stressful job and whatnot but I just feel like that and everything else takes priority.

He’s constantly on his phone and says I am too. To be fair I’m just on it waiting for him to look up and speak to me. He’s in this massive guys groupchat that just goes off nonstop and/or Twitter and it’s like he can’t hear anything or pay attention to anything else when he’s focused on that. It drives me crazy having to repeat the same question or say something 3 times because he’s so engulfed by it or whomever he’s texting.
It’s football season so heaven forbid he doesn’t watch every game or go to every in person game in our town. Which I wouldn’t care about if he also didn’t spend the other day in the weekend golfing with his buddies. He gets drunk and low and behold spends the whole day out and has no energy when he gets home. I ask him just to show me he cares more and increase our romance. He says we had romance a few weeks ago (my birthday and our anniversary). Mind you I planned our entire anniversary (AND MY BIRTHDAY) a few weeks back and that’s what he’s referring to. I’m just so tired of feeling like I’m an afterthought to him.

I feel like he has a minor porn addiction too. Every morning he wakes up at like 5am and goes to the bathroom for half an hour plus. I’m not policing his bathroom habits or his masturbation but I just feel like I’m getting pushed aside for his daily ritual. I don’t feel wanted or desired or sexy or romanced. He says I’ll never be satisfied all the time but like DUDE I’ve told you so many different ways to fill my cup. I’m just feeling drained and anxious and sad from all of this. Idk how else to express it to the point where I’m just questioning if this is something I can handle for the rest of my life. Any advice would help :/.

1 comment
  1. Fuck that sucks. Could you try to give him a handjob just before his morning ritual? It may lead to sex or in the least some sort of intimacy.

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