I (20F) was talking to this guy (23M) for about 4 months, however I have known him for 5-6 years, we went to the same high school, college and out of nowhere we started getting closer.

He made me the happiest, such a pure, genuine person… He texted/called 24/7 me and our conversations continued daily…

I left to Germany because I got into Medical School.. and started my school here.

He waited 4 months for me to return & I didn’t.. which I had no control of. I told him to wait until winter break and I would go back.

However he said he wouldn’t wait because we weren’t even official yet, and we haven’t seen or spoken in person for 2 years.

I trusted him with everything and he did as well. He did Even with nudes lol. I never sent them but he trusted me so much. I thought it was distance that kept making us get into arguments.

We both decided to end it and I recently realized he started adding back my friends that I didn’t like, and I don’t even know if its on purpose but I’m still hurt.

We still stayed friends and we both want to meet up once I return.

TL;DR Although we stayed only friends, he hasn’t texted me, but we follow each other on social media. Watch each other’s stories.. Should I unfollow him? Should I meet him when I go back? Red flags?

  1. > kept making us get into arguments.

    > he started adding back my friends that I didn’t like

    I suppose it depends on how serious the arguments were.

  2. You stated you both decided to end it and then said his actions hurt you. Are you sure you ended it? It just doesn’t sound like this is going to work unless you know something about him that is not revealed here. I wish you the best.

  3. This reminds me very much of my past self and your situation feels all too familiar. From how you described him as this sweet and genuine person who made you feel the happiest to him having mixed feelings and not wanting to commit to the relationship anymore because of the distance yet still remaining friends afterwards. All I could say is that if you’re still holding on to the tiniest bit of hope of getting back together yet he’s out there moving on and talking with other women, I really wouldn’t recommend setting any expectations because it could easily destroy you so much. However if you just genuinely wish to remain friends and nothing else, you don’t have to do anything at all. If he really wanted to reach out to you and keep in touch, he will.

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