I hated growing up on Durand Close in South London. It’s best as it is now. Fucking demolished. By extension I hate the local football team Carshalton Athletic with a burning passion.

So I just wondered, why do people actually like thos shitholes? Assaults everyday, the people verbally abuse anyone they don’t like the look of and it constantly smells of piss. The community isn’t enough for me

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  2. I live in a council cul de sac and it’s fine most of my neighbours are twice my age and friendly. So it’s not all bad.

    As it’s flats sound travels but I just tune it out.

    In the 4 years I been here only witnessed one shouting match

  3. Its not the Estate, Its the individuals. If people all keep there house tidy outside and are respectable are to everyone else, should be no problems. ‘ Grew up on estate and seen all sorts, Drug overdose, Shootings etc’ its the 1% that are the problem and the 99% are nice and keep themselves to themselves. If you look another way, we need people in jobs: Shops, Dustmen, cleaner, garages etc and these jobs may not pay enough for a Deposit and mortgage, so council estates let these people have a home they can call there own for an affordable price.

  4. I grew up on a council estate and lived on it for eighteen year I was never assaulted or verbally abused and it didn’t smell like piss.

  5. > why do people actually like thos shitholes?

    Because the council estate you grew up on is not all council estates – I grew up on a rural estate that backed onto fields. No real trouble and nice solid houses (my brother owns the old family home).

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