So it’s happening mid 50s and erections are not as frequent. This worries me about meeting and dating.
What does a 50 year old woman want anyway?
Companionship, Meals out, Walks, someone to share life with.

I’m ok looking very fit for age and 6ft2 beard glasses.

Am I worrying over nothing and it’d be expected in a mid 50s relationship.

Ive still got fingers and a tounge and can take a pill I’m very kinky and like to give pleasure using ropes blindfolds etc etc.
There’s a lot more to sex than just climbing on board.

How does this make me feel as a man, well it’s life I suppose. It worries me a little, if I cannot perform when time comes.

Help appreciated

Female advice or both please.

  1. No shame in talking to your doc about Viagra/Testosterone replacement if you’re worried about your erection quality

  2. I’ve been with older guys and the pill is common and a non-issue. Just be thankful we live in a time were the pill is available and works for you.

    Sometimes junior just fails to perform (regardless of age). If that happens don’t stress, have fun together and do the other things you discussed.

  3. When I realize it’s not happening for me that night, I shift gears and go all in on her. Sex doesn’t always have to involve PIV, you can still have a great time just focusing on your partner and seeing them get off. It sounds like you know your strengths and aren’t afraid to use them, so I don’t think you’re going to get any complaints.

    If you stress about it, it’s going to make it worse because you’ll be worried before you even get started and anxiety is a boner killer. You can always talk to your doctor like other people have mentioned, but don’t let it define your sex life. When you’re saying you’re worried about not being able to “perform”, there’s so much more to being a couple and healthy sex than just how quickly you can get an erection.

  4. Hey!

    I personally love daydreaming about being that 80 year old pervy fart who still goes down on his wife even after his last erection.

    When you consider many women don’t get off to PIV style sex, that you are more than willing to enjoy the other aspects of sex that focus on her, and that as you get older you still have a focus on the woman’s enjoyment: I don’t think too many older ladies would be too upset by this package.

    You’re by no means doomed, taking a pill is possible, cumming without an erection is possible, and just getting deep and meaningful satisfaction with someone that cares about you deeply might mean a crap ton more to you than your fading erections.

    It sounds to me like you’re a winner that hasn’t really put himself out in the game yet 😉. You’ll do great I’m sure of it!!

  5. Cock rings/sleeves can be a big help and there’s no shame in giving the pills a try! I think it’s sexy when a man is willing to try different things to keep the spark alive. If it isn’t happening naturally as often or as consistently then get a little help from all the many tools on offer! 😇

  6. I’m mid 40s and have been taking cialis for a few years now.

    I mean, I freely take cholesterol medicine to stay healthy and alive. Why wouldn’t I freely take cialis to better perform and give my partner pleasure.

    As you said, there is definitely more to sex than just the penis. I honestly wish more people understood this. But, as long as my wife is interested in my penis, I will gladly take cialis. Or, until my insurance formulary drops it. Ha ha.

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