Hey guys,So i’ve been talking to this girl for about a month now. We have had 3 long dates. Shes someone who is extremely afraid of commitment due to past experiences so it has been tough moving things forward with her. We had finally got to a decent place when she was informed that her grandmother had gotten covid (she was very close with her). 3 days ago her grandmother passed, which has been really sad. She has been hurting, but I have been unable to do anything about it other than send her consoling or caring messages. She doesn’t really want me to call.

I also understand that many will provide skeptical feedback but she added me on all social media so the events have actually been occurring, this is not something you lie about to ghost someone.

Everytime I have had a situation where someone is dealing with loss when you first start dating it fizzles out. I am just wondering if anyone has any magical advice to not lose her while being patient and caring as she deals with this?

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