So I met this guy who I intentionally never ment to meet, or at least I never ment to want to like him. I wanted to have fun and I was in a bad bad state of mind like suicidal state of mind. I saw his profile he liked me and I liked him and we started talking. At first I had my guard up and was obviously talking to multiple guys in order to keep myself occupied. Eventually we met and the first night was great felt like a dream the conversation flowed well and he laughed at my jokes I laughed at his our sarcasm matched he was understanding and well yes I did suck his dick. He use to talk to me all the time the first week then suddenly…… he texts in the mornings sometimes other times he’ll wait till noon to text then I reply and don’t hear back from him until late and then boom he’s asleep and we’re back at it the next day. When he does text he has an excuse for why he was so busy for the day, right now it’s a friends mother he keeps visiting in the hospital. He refuses to call me and talk on the phone the first time we did he basically told me he would rather not. The next time the call “dropped”. The conversation has been dry not as magical it’s been like 4-5 weeks and he still hasn’t asked me on a formal date, I’m always making moves to go see him and it just seems like he’s stopped trying. I brought it up to him and he keeps reassuring me that he does want a relationship with me but his actions just don’t match up with his words and I really don’t have time. I think my friends are fed up with me so I can’t turn to them I just am confused 🫤

  1. I’m thinking that since he got what he wanted (fellatio), he’s kind of backed off. Many do that when dating others. They do just enough to get what they want then they move on. Obviously, I do hope that’s not the case here but it’s likely especially if everything went down hill after that specifically.

  2. Actions speak louder than words. He’s showing you he doesn’t want to put effort and time into you. Stop believing people when their actions don’t align with what they are saying.

    I’m sorry to say he got what he wanted and now she slowing fading away. This is coming from someone who’s been there done that. (Not the got what I want and fade) but the believe what they say not what they do. Move on and lose contact with him.

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