How have you regretted ending a relationship?

  1. I had to tell my husband I wanted a divorce over the phone because I was out in the middle of the Pacific. Not the way I would have chosen, but it was what I had.

  2. I have not. I’m usually at the point where it is best for me. I have had a few exes regret breaking up with me. While I appreciate this, it wasn’t meant to be.

  3. Shouldn’t have done it through text but at the same time when you mentally destroy me…screw you lol

  4. I should have done it way sooner but one night I couldn’t take it anymore. She was really high at the time. I regret that.

  5. no. at first heart break sucks but it’s all for a reason. they grow up to be terrible people, or hide habits that aren’t acceptable in my book.

  6. No, when I have decided to leave, I have exhausted all I have emotionally to make the relationship work.

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