Why do you fall asleep when watching a movie?

  1. Your brain finally relaxes and “turns off” so if the movie isn’t enough to override your physical exhaustion, you’ll nod off.

  2. Because it’s usually some crappy 80s movie that my SO loved from back in the day…

  3. If I’m already tired and nothing is grabbing my interest then I suppose it’s bed time

  4. Honestly, the whole movie watching environment makes me sleepy. It can be a great movie and I will still pass out. Warm blanket, low lighting, late at night, full of snacks… Mostly cuz I feel relaxed and comfortable.

  5. Watching a movie is a passive activity, you are not interacting with it in any way, so your brain is just chilling.

  6. Because my couch is comfy as fuck. And I’ll only watch a movie in bed if I’m trying to sleep lol

  7. I have anxiety. If I’m in silence, i just think and think and spiral and eventually get to “ohno, I’m thinking too much and not sleeping even though I’m tired” and then I worry about not getting enough sleep and on and on it goes.
    With a movie, I can focus on that and turn off my ‘real world’ worries and thoughts. I just need to distract my brain.

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