Every time I am over at my boyfriend’s house I always expect us to have sex but recently came to terms that he does not like sex how can I be there for him and stop having these expectations?

  1. Did he TELL you he doesn’t like sex? Because it sounds like you may be having the conversation for him in your head instead of communicating about it. When in doubt, ask for what you want.

  2. Try to before going to his house masturbate on tour house to lessen the hormone you have or urges to have something

  3. you are not wrong for expecting sex, its totally normal. maybe find someone that matches your sex drive, dont be ashamed for wanting intimacy

  4. If he is anti-sex and anti-drinking and you enjoy both of those things, it’s time to review whether the two of you should be a couple.

    It’s definitely not time to start trying to turn yourself into an asexual person.

  5. Tell him you want to fuck more. You guys are both young and should be peaking at sex now. He’s a dude if he doesn’t want that then he might be interested in other ppl. Plus sex is important and a necessity in a relationship. Maybe ask him if you’re doing something wrong. Communicate with him

  6. are you initiating? Has he ever expressed not wanting to have sex as much? You could be right that he’s not that into sex, which it sounds like y’all may be incompatible there if that’s the case but definitely talk to him, this could just be a miscommunication.

  7. Seriously though. Have the conversation with him. If you find out now that he is just not interested in sex or other things you are it m8ght better to split up and remain good friends. Better to do so before spending years with him and becoming bitter and resent him for wasting so many years in hopes it would get better.

  8. OP, he is allowed to not be in the mood; just like you would be if the situations were reversed. Best to talk it out with him to help manage expectations on both sides. Could be a lot reasons why he doesnt want to, at that present moment. If it is something that is happening constantly, then a conversation should be had about that. Really wild stuff you can find out about a situation/person once you talk to them. Try it

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