I was never into my best friend’s sister (mainly because of him but also because she was never in town) but this summer she started hunging out with us more and more and so we started flirting really really discreetly with other (just with eye contacts) and one night at a party she came with us, I got really drunk but she didn’t drink at all, I took a sit then she came to me, sat in my lap and we kissed almost in front him.

He took it really really hard, started talking really bad to her and haven’t accepted it at all and talks bad to her to this day. He hasn’t given me a single opportunity to try to apologize the way it happened in front of him or just talk about it even after almost 2 months. I would really respect it if he had the courage to come to me and say something like ‘’I demand you stop it, you betrayed me and there is not going back’’ or just the: ‘’We are done’’. We laughed something out the first couple of days and I was thought everything was going to be fine but he was like that because he thought it was just a kiss and that’s what was it but we continued and he found out we continued (we are together to this day) and we haven’t even looked at each other in a month. I tried to talk him, she tried talk to him, my big brother tried talk to him, our close friends tried talk to him but nothing.

We don’t hung out at places with people we know or places he might hung out but today he saw us called his parents, they came where we were, demanded from both of us to stop it right now and told me that he will never talk to me again.

At first I was really ashamed, sad and crying like a little kid about what happened and about losing him, but with all the insults and the incident today that he didn’t came by himself to face us but called his parents, I’m really mad at him and so is her. What should I do from now on?

*PS: I have come in a conclusion that in situations like this you come in a position to realise who is really your friend and who’s not and see some people with your eyes opened and clear. (Maybe I’m wrong tho)

  1. I mean, this sounds like your friends problem. Sure, it’s a bit of a jerk move to start kissing in front of him without him knowing anything.

    Pdas can be uncomfortable, especially when it’s family involved.

    But at this point your “friend” is going way overboard.

  2. Ehm, you are randomly dating his sister when there are plenty of other girls available. I would be freaked out as well if one of my friends randomly started to date my sister without even talking to me about it tbh. And kissing in front of him is extremely awkward. If you would value the friendship, you would’ve asked at least his opinion about it. Dating family is usually a no go tbh. How old are you?

  3. It seems like your friend is taking it really hard, which is kind of understandable, as it is their sister, and it seems that for one, you never communicated anything in the way of being into her before you kissed, and then afterwards never said anything to your friend about what your intentions were.
    “I would really respect it if he had the courage to come to me and say something like ‘’I demand you…” this line is the stand out line for me.
    You expect him to come out and communicate clearly after you did this behind his back?

    Give your friend some time, maybe speak to his sister and explain that maybe you too should have some distance until your friend is ready to talk about it?
    I going to go ahead and assume you’re all sub 25? I don’t know, it just sounds like a maturity issue (this is not meant to be mean spirited or condescending, that’s just life and we all grow and mature)

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