So, we have been dating for more than seven months, then we broke up and decided to try again. Early this week she told me her older sister \[F,42\] will be out of town for the weekend and needs house sitting. And she wanted me to join her there. I said I would like that. We were also supposed to meet during the week but I wasn’t feeling well. As my GF is supposed to go for a vacation and I wasn’t sure if I could still pass something on her, I (and her as well) suggested we could meet on sunday. We spoke about this several times and I came up with some suggestions what we could do.

Today she told me her sister will be comming back earlier. Still no cancellation. When I ask in this evening what would she like the most of my proposals she says she would like to postpone. Because she wil be visiting her sister. They live like 10 minutes from each other and visit each other all the time. Her over attachment to her sister has caused friction between us before, but that is a different story.

I know she likes her sister and her children, but I can’t help but feel a bit hurt. And I told her as much. The reason of our break up before was partly due to me keeping things to myself and letting it pile up until it was too much, and I promised I wouldn’t do that in the future.

Is it unreasonable of me to feel bad that she cancels on seeing me on such short notice?

TL;DR: My GF cancelled on me on a sort notice to spend time with her sister. I don’t know If I am overreacting by feeling a bit hurt.

  1. Why wouldn’t you feel bad? You want to see your girlfriend and cancelling last minute is just rude.

    You’re entitled to feel sad and disappointed when things don’t go as you’d like, what’s overreacting is lashing out in anger or something like that.

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