I’ve heard Americans pronouncing it “seltic”, however, my whole childhood, people taught me “keltic” here in Britain. If you don’t know what I mean by “Celtic”, I mean “relating to the Celts or their languages, which constitute a branch of the Indo-European family and include Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, Manx, Cornish, and several extinct pre-Roman languages such as Gaulish”.

  1. Most pronounce Celtic as “Keltic” with one notable exception. The NBA team is pronounced “seltic.” And we have lots of people of Irish descent. So Celtic isn’t an uncommon word.

  2. I’ve always only known the word Celtic with a “k” sound.

    Literally the *only* exception is when in reference to the NBA team known as the Boston Celtics which, for reasons unknown to me, is pronounced with an “s” sound.

  3. >people taught me “keltic” here in Britain.

    Not a follower of Scottish football, I take it?

  4. The Boston NBA team and the club in Glasgow are “Seltic”. Otherwise it’s “Keltic”.

  5. I always pronounced it Keltic. Except the sports team which is Seltic. I thought that was correct. But a recent visit to Dunvegan Castle in Scotland, and their film, narrated by the current Earl, he pronounced is Seltic. So who knows.

  6. It’s keltic if referring to the place/people/culture, and seltic if it’s the NBA team.

  7. It’s pronounced with the K sound unless you’re specifically talking about the basketball team in my experience

  8. Seltics is the basketball team.

    Keltic for everything else except for peeps that only know of the basketball team

  9. I live in the northeast and I’ve heard it said both ways. I would not say that either way is incorrect, but I was taught that with the hard C was more authentic to great Britain

  10. Ok, so we KNOW its “Keltic”, but the goobers at the NBA decided to pronounce the team the wrong way, so…

  11. We’re conditioned now to saying it “keltik” in Gaelic contexts (thank you PBS for Celtic Woman) and reserving “seltik” for the basketball team, even though the latter is more phonically correct in the US.

  12. kel-tick. the only time you say sel-tick is when you’re talking about the basketball team

  13. My sweetie is part of an Iron Age Celtic reenactment group.

    *Everyone* says “Keltic.”

    I looked up the difference, and apparently, it’s almost literally only the Boston “Seltics” and “Seltic” Scottish football that use the soft S.

  14. If you’re talking about the Boston Celtics then it’s pronounced “seltic”. Otherwise it’s pronounced “keltic”.

  15. I say “Celtic” but I’m not into sports or anywhere near Boston. I’m probably one of the few Americans to be aware of the people before the team.

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