What’s the worst place to pick up girls?

  1. Work…

    Edit: welp.. this got some tracktion…reading all responses.. ppl seem to be on both sides with all kinds of experiences and outcomes.. appreciate all comments.. have a great night

  2. On the road, yelling out your car window. You look like a jackass and it makes women very uncomfortable 10 times out of 10.

  3. Work, if you’re in a setting where you are together a lot and is relatively tight knit.

    If you’re like a bagger at a grocery store and she’s a cashier or whatever, it’s probably ok.

  4. From a woman:

    Whenever I look busy. I’ve had SEVERAL men stop me while I was very busy (walking fast, clearly engaged in something else) to make small talk. Bruh. Read. The. Room.

  5. The easiest place to pick up girls is at a bar. The worst place to pick up girls is also at a bar.

  6. At their place of employment if you’re a customer. It’s literally part of their job to be nice to you.

  7. My uncle used to look through mugshots of people at the county jail, find chicks he thought were hot, and lookup their release dates. Then he’d drive to the jail and pick em up.

  8. At a gay night club.

    A lot of straight girls go there just to hang out with their friends not be hit on by dudes.

    Do not ask me how I know…

  9. By our breasts. Please don’t. Even if they’re big enough that it might work.

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