Women who have been pregnant: How does it feel to have a baby moving inside you emotionally?

  1. Relieved. It was a sign baby was still alive. When you don’t feel them the panic sets in.

  2. Exciting, fascinating, weird happy/anxious energy

    I fell in love with my little monsters from the moment I saw them on ultrasound

    Honestly I didn’t really think I’d ever be a mom, I’m a lesbian so accidentally getting pregnant hasn’t been a worry of mine, and I had absolutely no idea how happy I’d be. Probably the best decision of my life alongside dating my girlfriend in the first place

  3. Amazing. It made me feel powerful and deeply connected to my child. I felt a deep sense of appreciation and longing to hold my baby. I felt beautiful and strong and it really solidified the amazing things happening inside me. Every kick and flutter felt like a little joy… even later on when there was bladder bouncing, it was the imminent urge to pee mixed with elation. Also it was reassuring to feel the baby move

  4. I wasn’t emotionally connected to my pregnancy so it didn’t do anything for me in that regard. Physically I didn’t like it, but it was a sign that things were okay.

  5. My first pregnancy I had an anterior placenta and was one of the unlucky women who literally felt nothing. I never felt movement and was super paranoid that something was wrong and I’d never know.

    With my next two pregnancies I had a normal placenta placement and felt movement and it was such a relief to know that everything was ok.

  6. Relief, mostly; but I’d be lying if I didn’t mention the annoyance I felt too. It’s like, “hey kid, that’s *my* body you’re stomping around in!”

  7. Mostly delight. Sometimes annoyance, like when they kick while you’re trying to fall asleep.

  8. Disgusting, terrible, abnormal, a betrayal of the self by the body, uncomfortable.

    I didn’t want to be pregnant.

  9. I hated pregnancy and all the physical and emotional feels. It was too hard on me and both almost took my life….

  10. I pretty much hated every aspect of pregnancy. Love my kids, hated pregnancy…like a visceral hatred too. So, my feelings when the baby was moving inside me was nausea, and horror like the baby was going to claw it’s way out like the in Aliens movies lol 🤣. My son especially would kick me so hard that I could see a small outline of a foot, I was convinced he was the Omen…I told my husband, “he’s definitely going to murder me when he comes out.” You would think this would lead the a disconnect when they were born but quite the opposite. I was full on tears completely in love with them, and continue to spoil them even at 8 and 14. I just did not like pregnancy….at all 😳 lol.

  11. Amazing. I always talked to them and asked them what they were doing. The cool part was seeing the movement under your skin. I felt so connected.

  12. I had 14 years of infertility before I conceived my son. That colors everything I felt. I had an easy pregnancy with minimal weight gain, nausea, or other issues (other than him standing on my bladder).

    The first movement was on Easter 2008 and I had tears running down my cheeks before I realized it wasn’t just gas. I had so many negative pregnancy tests and kept a stiff upper lip in public at so many baby showers and when so many people would say, “Well, maybe it’s God’s will you can’t,” that I would have suffered through anything.

    But every kick just filled me with absolute joy. Even the ones where I could see the outline of his feet or knees — even I was weirded out by those, LOL.

  13. I didn’t pay much attention to it unless I was sitting still like in the bath etc and then I loved watching my belly move around.

  14. It was okay until they did the big movements like roll into your stomach and you see their face bulge through. Especially when ya half asleep and it scares the scrap out of you.

  15. It felt like I was on a rollercoaster. Most of the time I was nauseous and wanted to puke. It wasn’t a fun experience.

  16. It was great. I felt like I was never alone. I felt like, well like a team? But also very protective.

  17. For me it was amazing and weird… it was funny because she used to move and kick everytime my dog used to sit by my belly… it was so beautiful… I felt so much love from her, we had a connection

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