My local ethnic butcher shop is cramped and everyone is shouting their order at the butcher. There’s a language barrier and the workers speak broken english. Despite this I forced myself through the mental resistance and asked the butcher for some meat. I didn’t experience any problems. This adrenal rush will last for months

  1. What in this hell is an ethic butcher? (if you indeed meant to say ethnic, then the same question still stands)

  2. I love ethnic grocery stores. It’s a great way to experience some of the wonder of travelling at home. And a good way to explore different food directions if you’re into cooking.

    And a great way to get out of your shell and practice experiencing non-standard social situations.

  3. Keep it up! I get a sort of “social momentum” when stuff like this happens. Successive interactions get easier and easier.

    Same thing works for going on a date. Don’t have your date be the first person you talk to; talk to the cab/Uber driver, talk to the people on the streets, talk to people in the bar or restaurant. By the time you get to your date you’ve chatted with multiple people and have that momentum to carry you forward with ease.

  4. Nice job. I got some goat pieces a few years ago from one of those. Was a cool experience. Wasn’t as busy as yours tho

  5. Proud of you! Keep up this energy! But it’s okay to not always be *on*. Just remember this moment as a reminder that you can do it!

  6. Some people understand more than they can speak, so good for you trying even though you weren’t sure.

  7. This has been my problem in China. I’ve lived here 6 years at this point but I’m so afraid of actually speaking Chinese that I often just don’t do it.

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