I(21F) don’t know how to feel about my boyfriend’s (23M) actions this morning. I got very moody as I made him breakfast and he was pretty upset from a previous incident. I slapped him across the face and asked him why he was acting up. He looked up at me and smiled at me starting to laugh and I was confused. He said he had enough of me and I was finished coldly and he got up picked me up easily, flipped me upside down and I got scared. I started apologizing but he kept laughing and next thing I know, he body slams me on my bed. I was shook and nearly crying but next thing I know, he got me on top of me without applying his body weight and kisses my forehead, my cheeks, and then my lips. After we finish kissing, he said everything will be ok and he will never hurt me physically or emotionally. I was terrified for a second but I don’t know how to feel about this since he got me by surprise. I didn’t get hurt at all but I was freaked out. I have the butterflies by the way he looks at me but I don’t know how to feel about this.

Boyfriend terrified me by flipping me upside down and body slamming on bed after slapping me. He giggled it off and I don’t know how to feel about it.

  1. > I slapped him across the face and asked him why he was acting up.

    There’s no way this story is real. But maybe you should focus more on your own actions.

  2. >I slapped him across the face and asked him why he was acting up

    When you hit a dog, the dogs gonna bite you. When you abuse your partner you are going to break the trust that person has in you and your relationship is going to get messed up.

    >He said he had enough of me and I was finished coldly

    I imagine he was breaking up with you

    >next thing I know, he body slams me on my bed.

    Yeah knee jerk reaction in a fight is to fight back. You slapping him probably made him feel the same way as you felt after he body checked you on the bed.

    >slams me on my bed. I was shook and nearly crying but next thing I know, he got me on top of me without applying his body weight and kisses my forehead, my cheeks, and then my lips. After we finish kissing, he said everything will be ok and he will never hurt me physically or emotionally

    My guess is he realized he was fighting back and felt bad that he was starting to abuse you.

    TLDNR: you are abusing your boyfriend. If he doesn’t break up with you, you should break up with him and fix that part of your personality before you have other relationships. You will likely hit your kids too. Last parting comment is that you are too casual about slapping him

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