Have you ever been? Or if not have you any thoughts of what it’s like?

  1. Looks like it was bombed halfway to hell and replaced with concrete. It’s mostly fine and kinda stabby

  2. It’s ….ok. Only been once and honestly can’t remember much about it so can’t have been overly either way.

  3. I lived there for 4 years (university, then got a job there).

    It’s not attractive at all and the new cathedral is particularly unattractive. When I lived there a local councillor said the best thing to do with the city centre was to bomb it again and rebuild it better. He was right but he had to resign.

    However it basically works. It has the facilities you need, you can actually get about by both car and bus, the inner ring road is a lot less scary than it used to be since they dropped the speed limit, and transport links out are good – both road and rail. At least, the rail is good when Avanti aren’t being a shit-show, but hopefully they’ll go bust soon and be replaced with someone more competent.

    Housing is almost affordable, too.

  4. It’s one of those places that it’s difficult to imagine people choosing if they had options.

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