Tips to stay sane please. My (f28) boyfriend (m26) has decided its best to move out of my house after big fight we had 4 weeks ago. We’ve had a tough time lately, our daughter died as I was 6 months pregnant and both been emotionally a mess because we both very excited to be parents together. Right now he thinks its best he doesn’t stay there anymore, which I assumed meant he wants to be single….but today he told me over text that “doesn’t mean we are single” “I’m not going to mess with anyone else if we are still involved”
Which is a relief because last week he told me he’s done and doesn’t think we can ever be together again.

which is all great to me except… he has refused to have sex with me and told me “I’m definitely not in the mood to have sex with you and it will be awhile until I want to again”

Which I guess I understand cause I was an asshole to him lately but really no sex??! Lol. I did order a vibrator and he got upset but that but if he’s not having sex with me what else am I going to do?
I know I messed up weeks ago but his constant change in telling me all this is making me go a little crazy but trying to remain calm cause I’m realizing the calmer I am about this the more talking I get out of him. (He’s not great at communication lol)
I am in therapy getting help after being diagnosed with ptsd, depression and anxiety after giving birth to our dead I am going to be better and ready for a healthy relationship at some point.

But how will this work? We have dogs and a cat together so it will suck I will be taking care of all of them and paying full on my mortage now which okay that’s not everything but it’s also going to be stressful the change of the relationship…not going to bed together…not seeing eachother everyday. But maybe that’s for the best?

Looking for advice from people who have gone through similar situations and mainly just venting lol.

1 comment
  1. Is there different information here from your last post that was essentially the same?

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