Hey everyone, hope you’ll are doing great and I am not doing great at all. I’m new on Reddit and I need some advice on this.

My parent’s marriage is 27years old and I see no love or connection between them. My mom is bad at management and my dad’s mentality is very conservative. My parents are just like a typical Indian couple. Mom is too emotional and dad has too much ego. Whenever they fight they ask for a divorce. Today I got a call from my mom and she said angrily to come home and cut the call. I had to leave the office in the middle of the day because of my family. Btw I am 21years old and doing an internship and I can’t focus on my career because of them. After looking at my parents I don’t want to be dependent on them for anything. My end goal is to be self-dependent and I am already working towards achieving it. I want to peruse a master’s in finance and I can’t decide whether I should go for my master’s abroad or do it in the same city since I feel scared of what will happen if I am not there to settle matters between them. Before doing anything I have to think about my family and I feel restricted. I definitely don’t want to abandon my parents but I just feel trapped in the house.

  1. Aw hun, they sound toxic as hell. My family used to be the same and I bailed out of there when I was 18. Never looked back. If it costs you your mental health, it’s not worth it. Also try to make peace with the fact you don’t owe your parents anything. They chose to have you. Leave asap.

  2. >Today I got a call from my mom and she said angrily to come home and cut the call. I had to leave the office in the middle of the day because of my family.

    Why did you have to? Would the world have ended if you had stayed at the office?

  3. You cannot feel responsible for people who should technically be responsible for you. Trust me when I tell you, do not waste your precious time. Do what YOU want to do and don’t let ANYTHING stop you. You are 21. You’re going to blink and be 26. Trust. Me. Get out there and do your thing. Do it for me ❤️

  4. i understand both points of wanting to live your life but also not wanting to abandon your family. however, they’re literally grown they do not need their 21 year old CHILD to handle their debates. that’s unfair and a bit cruel. you need to live your life and reach your truest potential. please don’t let your parents stop you from chasing after your dreams.

  5. You’re 21 years old and why the fuck are you still living at home

    And why is this in dating advice?

    Are your parents still dating?

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