Today I (M18) just sat on a bench and watched all the people passing by the main street of my college. Purely based on initial impression (appearance, how they talk with friends, how they hold themselves, etc.) there were around 4-5 girls I was attracted to in maybe 500+ people. Of those few, I spoke to 3 of them later and was almost immediately turned off as soon they started talking. Either coming across as annoying or very dull. Its starting to make me worry.

I think I’m fairly attractive and confident to get a girlfriend if I tried, but no one I’ve found seems worth it. I know I’m young and still have time, but this doesn’t seem normal. My standards aren’t even that high. Summarizing what I want is a quiet/introverted type (like me), who isn’t stupid, not ugly, and isn’t an ahole. That shouldn’t be too hard to find, right?

Any advice would be appreciated.

  1. OP smells like he’s trying to create a convoluted cope for being repeatedly turned down by everyone. She can’t turn you down if you never liked her in the first place, right… right fellas?? pls?

  2. Do you ask girls out on dates and/or just ask them to hang out with you sometime? If you’re not asking then you will never find what you’re looking for. While it does happen that you can just find the one magically appearing out of nowhere you will increase your odds by asking out and getting to know someone beyond initial impression.

    If are a confident person and could get a gf if you tried why go ahead and try and see what happens.

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