How do you exercise when you are not motivated?

  1. I walk around the house on my phone for half an hour to an hour. I listen to music, watch tiktok or play a movie on the TV and watch while I walk. Then I can jump straight into the shower without having to walk all the way home. Perfect routine

  2. I exercise in the mornings. I know there’s a 98% chance I won’t exercise at all if I don’t exercise before 8am.

    When I first started my morning workouts, I was definitely not motivated at all. I dreaded exercising. That dread feeling comes back if I take a break for more than 2-3 days or so. But if I stick to it, it becomes more automatic and I even begin to look forward to my workouts.

  3. I hate fucking exercising. I just force it. I’ve been lifting for over 20 years and have turned it into habit. I wake up, add a little caffeine to my morning, and just do it. The endorphin rush from the actual exercise is a nice bonus though. Motivated? Not even a factor, I just do it.

  4. Routine.

    I put in my running gear, grab my coffee, leash the dog, and head out the door as soon as I wake up. Every day. No matter what.

    If I wait for motivation, I’ll never get it done. Action creates motivation.

  5. I don’t give myself a choice. I wake up, throw on some clothes, shoes and headphones and head out. If I gave myself time to think about it or hoped for motivation, it wouldn’t happen.

  6. I do a grow with jo walking video from YouTube and then put on a show that I actually like I’m the background 😅 kinda tricks me into exercising and makes it go faster.

  7. I just do. Set an alarm and get it done first thing, before you have time to talk yourself out of working out.

  8. The more you do it, the more of a routine and automatic thing it comes. I also tend to think of why I’m going to the gym in the first place and why it’s important for me to commit.

  9. I pay for a local gym membership. I find the hardest part is just getting to the gym since I sometimes don’t want to drive there, but once I’m there and I see other people working out, then I just naturally also workout. And on days where I’m not as motivated – I just ride the bicycle and watch a show.

  10. I tell myself to just get dressed and go, but I’ll just do half a workout. But once I’m there I do the whole workout. I’m always glad I did afterwards, but I do have to play head games with myself sometimes to get myself to the gym.

  11. I generally tell myself I benefit more from doing it in the end. It’s easier said than done but overall it’s nice reminders of the benefits you’re going for. Just wake up in the morning and tell yourself you’re gonna do it!

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