Would you ever travel with a group of friends or solo travel ? Why or why not ?

  1. I have done both. I enjoy both. It depends on what I’m looking for out of the trip. Next trip is looking like a solo one.

  2. Solo travel. I’ve done both and I prefer being able to do my own thing. Go where I want when I want. No need to discuss and agree on a compromise, just me enjoying myself.

  3. I like travelling with friends but there’s something about going solo I enjoy more.

  4. I’ve done both, had fun on both. But it definitely depends on who you travel with.

    My bestie is great to travel with. We have similar ideas on what is fun, similar budgets, and we don’t mind separating to do our own thing.

    My ex was not. We had different ideas of what is fun (he just wanted to go to casinos, I wanted immersive cultural experiences and adventure), vastly different budgets (he wanted 5 star hotels, I wanted something cheap where I could support local businesses), and he was super clingy and didn’t want to do anything without me.

  5. Solo travel for me, I want to make my own choices when I travel and not rely on other people the whole time.

  6. 100% yes – either way – Because I love to travel – it’s exhilarating, exhausting, and ‘new’ every time… No matter how many times I may have been to a place, the act of traveling to get there is something I love to do.

  7. Both are fun. But with group trips, you need to discuss limits and non-negotiables (e.g. thermostat for shared rooms or tolerance for latecomers and even the trip itinerary and backup sites for when things don’t go as planned). For solo trips, make sure to always be safe. Read up on reviews of your accommodations and double check locks, doors, windows etc. You have to assess your street smarts before doing a trip alone.

  8. i think just a group of friends. i would be so scared to travel alone even though it sounds so peaceful.
    i just hate large groups of people and not being familiar with the area im in so i’m pretty sure just being in an airport or driving somewhere alone would throw me into a panic attack lol.

  9. I much prefer traveling with friends. Some things like eating out, going to museums, etc I enjoy much more with other people.

  10. All of my trips have been with friends so far. I honestly enjoyed all of the trips more than I thought I would (I’m a pretty big introvert and tend to need a lot of alone time)!

    I feel like going on these trips with friends has ensured that I got to try a lot of different things that I might not have done if it was a solo trip!

    I’ll probably go on a solo trip at some point in time, but for now it’s been nice going as a group.

  11. I’ve done both. Both were enjoyable mostly. Be careful if you are going with other people. I went with a cousin once and was dreadful. She was an awful traveling companion.

  12. Solo for the win. Anytime I had to go with a group I was miserable because I couldn’t just do what I wanted to do. Waiting for people is the worst.

  13. I prefer SOLO travel.

    I find whenever I go anywhere with someone else, I defer to their preferences. Over the years I just got to a point that I didn’t want to argue or convince and just decided that by myself, I see whatever I want to see for as long as I want. I don’t think that it’s because I am not speaking up for myself, I just really hate the idea of conflict when I am in captivity with another person.

  14. I hate solo travelling, I’m too much of an introvert to really enjoy. But traveling with friends, even just one other person, I love doing.

  15. Is it weird I don’t really care to do either. I would travel with company (not alone) if the opportunity or plans had been made. But I have no desire to travel and the idea just makes me feel negative.

  16. I prefer solo. I get exhausted by too much human interaction (I’m an introvert can you tell?). I’ve traveled with a group of women friends and everything took forever- planning and departure times. Plus drama 🙄

  17. I want to do both. Groups of people I feel are better for the more touristy things I’d want to do where as if I was solo I would probably just do what I do at home to relax but in a different location lol.

  18. Solo because I have no friends and also I’d have more peace while I observe the world and my surroundings 🥰🥰

  19. Solo every time. Being in a group, or even just one other person, prevents you from talking to other people on the journey, which is half the joy of it. Plus you’re not beholden to anyone else’s timeframes, pace or choices.

  20. I’ve done and enjoy both, but I prefer traveling with friends. We’re a solid group that always has fun together, planning is easy, there’s no squabbling over money…it’s a blessing.

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