Hello people,

So me (M25) 2 weeks ago i went to a girls (F23) place and we hit off very well, we have a lot in common, we laught, we had a really good time, i eventually escalated and kissed her and we even had sex, we stayed up until 5am even doe she had work in the morning. Next day i went to her place again even doe she was tired, we watched some series talked had a good time and she even asked if i want to stay sleeping at her place, i agreed, next morning we slept close to each other and had even morning sex and cuddle after even doe she needed to go to her parents house because she went to vacation that day. 3 days after i sent her a message:

” I had a good time with you, youre a cool girl, i would like to see you again sometime but first enjoy your vacation and we’ll see when you’d be back” She left it on seen.

After she went home from vacation i sent another message ” Hey, so what do you think? Want to bite my lips(she liked doing this a lot) again, watch the following of that ”series” and make me listen to Rock music? btw your cats told me they missed me a lot”

And its been 2 days without a reply, she didnt see the message either.. She probably lost interest or is ignoring me but i don’t know why, and even if she wouldn’t be down to see me again why can’t she just say ”no”, i just want to know so i can move on.

  1. Unlucky player.
    Yeah it is really hard when people are not able to communicate their feelings or intentions, but it seems to me as though they just wanted a short intimate fling (no judgement, people are entitled to want what they want)
    You did not do anything wrong (based on how you described it) so just wipe yourself down and dive back in.
    good luck

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