I bought concert tickets and he is telling everyone that he was the one that bought them, he has no money to buy tickets, I pay for most things. I was getting them for an anniversary present as we both like the band and I spent most of my money for this month on them and he hasn’t put a penny towards the £200 tickets yet he is telling everyone he bought them and it makes me feel like shit and I don’t understand why he is telling everyone that.

  1. Every time he says this you should openly correct him and tell everyone that in reality he has no money and mooches off of you. Hopefully he gets embarrassed enough to stop lying and disrespecting you.

  2. Sounds like something a narcissistic person would do. If this is the first hint you have seen, keep watching. It’s going to get much, much worse.

  3. Dump this loser. You cannot be that naive. He is using you.

    You pay for most things? He has no job? You spent most of your own money on your own anniversary gift? And after all of that he is claiming he bought the tickets, to supposedly look good to all your friends or whoever else? Yeah, no. That would be an automatic dump in my book and me taking literally any other person to the concert.

    You rightfully feel like shit because your subconscious knows you don’t deserve to be treated like this. That you are being treated badly by someone who is not supposed to do that.

    A good guy would talk about how you bought the tickets and how excited he is for the gift. Not taking credit for something he didn’t do. You left out ages, and considering 200 is a lot for you, I’m guessing you’re young, so please don’t stay in this bullshit parade. You obviously deserve better.

  4. Because he is an insecure man, who wants to look like “the provider” while he provides nothing.

  5. Why are you with him? You pay for most things in your relationship, and he wants to take credit for it

  6. Correct him in front of other people. He’s a freeloader. Let everyone know you bought the big salad.

  7. He’s telling everyone because he wants to be the big man. But he’s not. He’s a user. Don’t settle.

  8. I’m curious what you actually get out of this relationship? You pay for everything, he’s broke af and he takes credit for a big purchase you made. Doesn’t sound like much of a relationship but more like you being his sugar mama. No self respecting man would act like that.

  9. He is lying bc he feels like shit about himself. He needs to do something about it to improve his life and his self esteem. He shouldnt be relying on you to provide for him in the first place. Don’t put up with his lying ass.

  10. My ex did this. He was Mr popular, Mr getting the drinks in but I got into debt to fund it. It took me 5 years to get out of it with the help of my now husband.

  11. this shit is so lame and it only gets worse as y’all stay together. I’m not saying leave but just know it will only progress and get more annoying

  12. Why are you with this guy? I see him bringing nothing to the table in this relationship. You might as well hand him your credit card and your cash since you do nothing to stop this from happening.

  13. Ok little story for you My ex had some friend she would do everything for him, give him lifts, sort out jobs, keep him out of trouble and give him money when they were short she would also listen to all his problems.
    I remember asking her what has this guy ever done for her even if it was just holding open a door. she couldn’t answer and told me she does everything because he doesn’t care and doesn’t want to do things himself.
    Anyway I gave her a hard look and asked why are you friends with him if all he does is take and he doesn’t even say thank you? She couldn’t answer, so I am going to ask you the same question what does he do for you? What nice thing does he do without being asked or are you like my ex completely unable to answer and also not brave enough to end it?

  14. He sounds like George Costanza. Share u paid for the tickets. Let him know you are going to and see how he reacts.

  15. Yeah – you need to take a different person to the concert. This loser doesn’t deserve to go.

  16. Time to get rid of the free loader, loser, and asswipe bf as you find someone who can bring something to the relationship then hand out that bf does.

  17. He’s a scab. He even knows he’s a scab, that’s why he’s lying. He needs to look good but can’t…because he’s a scab. And he knows it. Why don’t you?

  18. Invite a friend to go with instead and when he tries to say something just say “what happened to the tickets you bought?”

  19. Pride. It is obviously his pride. His self esteem is taking a hit because he can’t handle dating someone more successful in life than he is. If you don’t intend to downgrade your accomplishments and hold yourself back for his self esteem you’ll probably want to nope out of this relationship. He will never praise your success as long as his isn’t more impressive, but will instead either claim them as his own or pout and blame you for his failures.

  20. You spent most of your money? Dump him. Take a friend.

    Edit: I’m sure no one thinks he bought it since everyone should know he’s a broke joke.

  21. I’m so sorry.

    I’ve been there, and I am telling you now, he will never change.

    Dump him, move on and your life and finances will be better for it.

  22. This is a picture of your future with this guy. Is this the kind of person you want to be with?

  23. He has no problem lying to the people he cares about to inflate his own ego. Imagine what he is lying to you about…

  24. He is likely trying to make himself look good, but it’s a crappy thing to do. Does he lie about other things or try to make himself look better often? I’d have to really consider not staying with someone who feels the need to make themselves look better at my expense. The more I think about it, the more it irks me. Have you told him how it makes you feel?

  25. You basically have 3 choices

    1) ignore his behavior and let him keep lying
    2) dump him and move on
    3) have a conversation with him and ask why he feels the need to lie to people about what you provide for him. See if he needs counseling but if he wants to stay with you he must correct his lie with the people he told and understand that if he lies like that again it is over.

  26. Girl – I surprised my husband with a 6,000 patio renovation and he told everyone that he bought it and was sharing progress pics with his friends and peers bragging. Never once mentioned it was me or that it was for our 20 year anniversary.

    Say something now. Don’t let it go, it will eat you alive.

  27. I’d ask him how he’s gonna feel when you decide to take someone else since you’re the one who paid for them…

    Sorry, your bf isn’t what I would call “bf material”. You deserve someone who would embrace your giving side and compliment your generous efforts rather than claim them as his…and be openly appreciative of you.

    OTOH, you have a bf who is insecure and as well as entitled as he’s taken not only the gift, but also taken away your generosity towards him. So your friends think he’s a great guy for taking you, and you’re not appreciative of his actions.

  28. Why weren’t you correcting him when he lied ? Or why wouldn’t you ask him why he’s lying???

  29. You should really look into your relationship and ask whether or not you want to continue with him. I used to be with someone like that and I got used to paying it all and he got used to it as well that he would want to go eat at this restaurant and when the check came he was just there waiting for me to pay. I left that relationship and I felt better, not just financially but free.

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