Real question because I feel like there’s not a good definition of it. For example, some consider me nerdish but in my opinion I’m not. I watch anime and play video games but that’s it. I don’t sit at home alot and I have other hobbies like traveling and boxing. Plus I don’t fit in well with people who do more nerdish hobbies such as reading or playing chess. So I typically hang out with people who is always on the go

Lol, I hate those hobbies. But I’m curious because people consider me one but I feel like it’s misleading

  1. I guess the typical nerd is a bit socially awkward einzelgänger with interests in sciences, technologies and fantasy rather then social activities or people. Often combined with a lack of fashion.

    You could be nerdy, but that doesn’t make you the stereotype. Much like fish, there is always a bigger nerd.

  2. I would say anime and video games does qualify you as a nerd. Unless you play some FIFA with your mates when at a house party ,it s nerd for me.

  3. I think its being really involved in learning. Like some people just love to learn and if they’re prone to sharing what they know people end up putting it in the nerd category. This can be learning on a bunch of topics and if others think the knowledge is useless or pointless because it doesn’t interest them then more likely to be put into nerd category.

  4. It’s probably generational. I’m an older millennial and to me the term brings up a mental image of a guy who’s socially awkward, physically soft and weak, and with niche interests that lead to a fair amount of in person isolation. High intelligence and hyperfixations are a part of it, but a person can have those without being nerdy if they also project confidence and have at least decent social skills and physical presence.

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