Looking to date but I have an interesting kink. How will I find a girl who has the same kink as me. Female here.

  1. It might be tougher in real life but if you are using online dating apps, you should be upfront with your date.

  2. you ask people about their kinks, tell them yours in return and decide if tthis is worth pursuing.

  3. Probably start with communicating what the kink is so others know about it and can see if they are interested or compatible.

  4. Kink friendly dating is best, or be a part of the community into that kink. Best way to go.
    FYI no kink is weird….

  5. Apps tend to be about mainstream. The farther you move away from mainstream the more important it is to begin with the community that focuses on your interests. There is far too much violence against individuals seeking to pursue alternative lifestyles to risk attempting to connect other than F2F.

    Meaning you no evil, I must report that queries such as the one you submitted have often been found to have been promoted by folks seeking to harm individuals who identify as other than White hetero-sexual, which only underscores the need for caution. FWIW.

  6. If you guys want answers, just look into her Reddit post history. I’ll be waiting you here on your way back, probably regretting what you have just done.

    Serious answer: it will be VERY difficult, probably online apps could help

  7. The kink seems to be scat-play from history, which is eating excrement.

    Join fetlife, look for real life events in your greater area. Probably the best (and safest) shot at meeting likeminded people.

    Do not use fetlife as an online dating app though. That’s not what it’s for and there many a creep on there too.

    Good luck!

  8. Maybe hang around camping stores ? If you find a guy that’s into camping it’s one less thing to pack 🤷‍♂️

  9. Is them accepting said kink mandatory or simply preferred?? My advice doesn’t change either way really, I just thought I’d ask you to ask yourself that first… Anyways, you’re a girl so if you’re a pretty one then my guess is you could probably just date around per usual and ask your date after a few dates questions about bedroom freakiness/ kinks to get the ball rolling… If you ask me, that sounds more than sufficient for the task, but it is just speculation on my part; good luck anyways- good luck, be safe and have fun.

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