I’ve been dating this girl for a month and get along well with her and she now really likes me, we’ve met about 15 times and I haven’t brought her to meet anyone I know because I’m embarrassed about her weight. I find her attractive and enjoy spending time with her but I know because of her weight I couldn’t commit to a LTR. She’d be hurt if I broke things off since we’ve been through a lot so fast, and I also don’t want to cut her from my life because I enjoy the dates we go on. What’s the best thing to do here, i actually tried to cut things off recently but she was upset and I ended up reconciling and saying we can make it work, I’m now 30 days in, with a person I like but know I can’t love.

  1. You are an asssholee for worrying about what other people think. Genuinely if she is a good person, has goals, motivates herself then it shouldn’t matter u less you’re superficial and are into looks?

  2. I don’t think you should be dating her. You’re only going to hurt her in the end of the day. Find yourself a skinny bitch. Because it seems like you care about is looks of a girl rather than her personality. You should be proud to be with somebody. If you’re not don’t be with them.

  3. Lmao. You’re attracted to her but because your boys wouldn’t be, you can’t be open about it? Seems kinda sus.

  4. You sound like a dick, my dude. I really hope you didn’t sleep with this girl, you’re going to crush her. I’m obese, i fully understand being obese isn’t attractive unless you have a fetish, but geez man. If she wasn’t too heavy to date and possibly have sex with, she shouldn’t be too heavy to actually be a part of your life.

  5. Why did you go out with her in the first place if you know that you value the opinions of others to this degree?

    The best thing you could do for her is cut it off. She may be sad now, but it’s better in the long run. She deserves someone who will love her regardless of what others think.

  6. Why are you dating her then? Honestly just end things for her sake…like I’m personally not into dating big girls but I just don’t date them not intentionally lead them on only to hurt them later that sounds awful dude…

  7. I have to ask. What do you mean by overweight?

    I sincerely want to know if she’s a tiny bit overweight or if she weighs 500lb.

    Either way, no one forced you to fuck her and spend all this time with her.

    If your friends would judge her and judge you, you have shitty friends.

    You like her but can’t love her? Because of her weight? But she’s good enough to shove your dick into? You need to get your priorities straight and remember that she is an actual living breathing person and not just there for you to use like some shameful secret sex doll.

  8. Leave her man. Its kinda messed up that youd continue seeing her but be embarrassed by how she looks. She will eventually notice this and itll mess with her self esteem.

  9. This is gonna sound mean but imma say it:

    That is so dumb man. Work on yourself, there’s something wrong if you’re afraid to publicly be seen with the girl you’re with. You need to grow a bit more and not be so afraid of the opinions of others.

  10. Dude! How long do you think you can keep this going? She’s gonna notice that you haven’t introduced her to anyone eventually and it’s gonna hurt her even more when she finds out. The longer you keep up the lie, the worse this is going to end.

    You think you’re doing something good right now, by not hurting her but you’re gonna give this girl some major trust issues when she finds out.

    Stop being an asshole stringing this girl along.

  11. Just let her go. The longer it goes on the more difficult it’s going to get and the more she’s going to hurt. Just tell her you’re not compatible and be done with it

  12. Damn bro—have some backbone. Ur telling me there is emotional chemistry—and you find her attractive—but bc ur too insecure about other peoples’ opinions of her you can’t love her? Either stop wasting her time or get a grip, and man up.

    I get that u may be embarrassed cuz ur friends will give you shit, but—if they’re good friends—they would still give u shit even if she were perfect (by their standards); the only thing—deep down—that matters to the lads is that you two are happy and a good match.

  13. Yoooo I’m not really into heavy people either, but this is a bit much 💀

    Sexual attraction is one thing, but saying you could never love a fat person is pretty yikes

  14. If one of your friends introduced you to his girlfriend, and you weren’t personally attracted to her, but he was super happy, wouldn’t you just be happy for him? But also, if you’re attracted to her, why wouldn’t your friends be? Why do you need your friends to be attracted to who you’re personally attracted to? Why are you letting your friends’ preferences dictate your own preferences? Do you do everything in your life based on what you assume your friends will think? Why are you friends with assholes? Maybe get some therapy man, there’s some real issues here.

    That said, for the practical side of the advice, call her and say hey, I’ve really enjoyed the last month of getting to know you, but unfortunately this isn’t working out. I need to break up with you. Do NOT tell her it’s because of her weight or make up a lie. Be polite but firm and get off the phone asap. Then you block her number and all social media so there can be no contact moving forward and never contact her again – it’s the kindest thing to her in the long run.

  15. Buckle up. Just tell her you are not ready for a serious relationship, and you don’t want to hurt her feelings or to expect more than it really is. You can be friends without the intimacy if she still wants that, but stay cool. No need to mention weight or your friends.

  16. Okay I’m probably the only person here who is going to give you genuine advice. Good advice too.
    So what you’re going to want to do is every girl you’re interested in from this point on, you show this post.
    The one that doesn’t tell you that you’re a pig, and immediately walk away will be the one.
    You’ll have found a POS just as superficial as yourself.

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