I’m 29 years old. I am far from being the man I want to be and being the man my father could never be. I was never taught how to do things. I wasn’t taught about work. I wasn’t taught about how to talk to women. I wasn’t taught how to take care of myself.
In the past 5 years I have taught myself, self care, communication with others, and communication with myself. The part I can’t seem to get through is working. Everyday I wake up to go to work, I dread. The idea of giving someone else my time so I can make a fraction of the money hurts my heart, the feeling is so strong I have been known to just not show up or quite on a random morning, but I don’t want to live like this. I want to learn how to like the idea of making money and going to work. I want to learn how to keep work at work and keep home at home. I don’t expect help or advice but if you can give it awesome.
P.s. building my own business is not a possibility right now.

  1. consider this, op: what else would you be doing with your time and your life?


    i barely work. i have everything i could ever want and need. and tbh, life is still pretty dull most of the time. it can’t all be parties and fun. life is mostly about waiting. especially when the people you know all work full-time and even more than full-time.


    and if you want to run your own business, do yourself a favor and realize that small business owners WORK HARDER THAN ANYONE.


    if you believe owning a business puts you on easy street, heh….dude, you are gonna work like you’ve never worked before. easily 15, 16, even 20 hour days. the stress is astronomical. there’s no safety net. it’s just the vagaries of the market, which nobody can control.

    and after years and years of that hard work, you can easily fail and go out of business–so quickly. it can be here today, gone tomorrow.

    most businesses fail eventually. very few succeed long-term.

  2. Work is pointless if it’s for money. You are alive which means you gotta do something all day. If you can find something you don’t mind doing, that you can get better at, and that helps people, you shouldn’t hate it. Work becomes a hobby/purpose/paycheck.

    Find a trade, maintenance, skilled blue color job. You’ll gain skills over the long term which boosts self esteem and will be doing practical tasks and their results. Some folks don’t like doing office/sales work because their efforts are intangible.

    Wish you the best.

  3. It kinda sound like you need a new job.The unfortunate reality is that we’ll all have to work to an extent. The only thing is that we can do is choose where we work. The process to getting there *is* life.

    Now a select few choose to reach for the stars or something seemingly unreachable and hard to obtain, but for the Majority of us, we’ll be working a 9 to 5 until we retire hopefully.

    Take it easy, find something you love doing and pursue something in that

  4. 31, in the same situation at least to the degree that I hate what I am doing as it is like working on a sinking ship. All that keeps me going is the crisis that is unfolding in Europe right now and the knowledge that if my play my cards right, I can yeet myself out of this system and survive the cold dark winter that we are about to face.

    I’d rather have a small plot of land and a small business that keeps me afloat, far away from all the BS. But to get there I have to dive through this pool of rusty needles they call “modern times”. So be it. It certainly won’t get better by staying where I am. At least make your suffering count as much as possible.

  5. Your in the wrong job.

    Work in your passion, I love helping people and got a job doing customer service 18 years ago, just got head hunted for a 6 figure salary, after being head hunted in my current role for 11 months (still in customer service and still love it)

  6. Well, I’ve been so broke i couldn’t even afford a place to live. I had to rely on someone else to let me sleep on their floor so that i could actually have a warm place to sleep at night. It sucked ass.

    I personally don’t want to live like that. So if going to work can actually prevent me from doing that, I’ll do it. And I’ve also found that having enough money to pay all my bills and for some entertainment, life is a whole lot better. Being able to buy things that you want is great.

    Do i want to work? Of course not. I’d love to not have to worry about going to work so that i can have a roof over my head, food in my belly and all the entertainment i could ever want. But life simply doesn’t work that way. So work it is.

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