Who is your most favorite and your least favorite Disney Princess?

  1. My favorite was always Pocahontas because she was the closest I had to representation at the time

    I don’t really have a least favorite

  2. As a kid my most favorite princess was Mulan. Now it’s Moana 💖 My least favorite has and will always be Snow White. 6 year old me was very unimpressed that an apple took her out and Mulan managed to save all of China 😂

  3. My favourite one has always been Anastasia, because she’s pretty, smart and full of sass.
    I hated Aurora though for some reason? Found her very boring and plain.

  4. I love Snow White because she befriends everyone and has a special relationship with the animals. I actually love all of the princesses. I like how the newer princess exhibit so much power!

  5. My favourite is Ariel and Tiana and Belle. Oh and Anastasia.

    I can’t pick one sorry.

    And my least favorite is Jasmine from Aladdin.

  6. Most favorite: Leia Skywalker-Organa of Alderaan. Name one other princess with anything close to her record of achievements.

    Least: Snow White. All she did was sing, clean, and do the ONE thing she was warned NOT to do. There was no other “princess” more useless. Honestly not sure she even was a princess.

  7. When I was little my fave was mulan and least favorite snow white. But I rewatched snow white recently and I was suprised at how likeable she was, so she has moved up in my ranking and I don’t have a least favorite anymore. All of them have something I like.

  8. I didn’t grow up watching Disney princesses and have only seen Mulan and Beauty and the Beast. Of those two Mulan wins for me.

    Otherwise, we have this Czechoslovak adaptation of Cinderella which is probably my favorite fairy tale of all time. Cinderella is just so spunky and charming in that one and I love how they portray her relationship with the prince.

  9. Favourite – Mulan. An icon.

    Least favourite – Never understood the appeal of Ariel, even as a child. Princesses like Snow White and Aurora I’m neutral on but, I think Ariel is the only one I straight up don’t like.

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