is asking my boyfriend to go thru his phone a weird request?

  1. It shows you’ve trouble trusting you bf. You’ve to find the root cause behind it. May be you’ve trust issues in general or your bf did something to make him untrustworthy.

  2. Is there reasoning ? Do you suspect something ? If yes to either of those then talk to him first explain why you want to go through it and go from there. If you’re looking just to look then yes it’s kinda weird.

  3. It’s not weird but keep in mind that if you’re looking for something, you may find it.

    If you ask and he delays in showing you, that usually means something is being hidden from you. Many times I read here that the owner of the phone will delete things before handing it over.

    If the trust is gone, it’s not going to matter what’s in his phone.

  4. Yeah that’s kinda weird.. personally I use that feeling to tell me when a relationship is over

  5. Yeah, it’s weird. It means you need him to yield his right to privacy so you don’t have to risk trusting what he tells you. Is this a common thing for you to do, or do you find this particular person hard to trust?

  6. It’s silly. Do you read his email too? I don’t go into my wife’s phone at all. I don’t have time for it and frankly, I’m not interested in it. I trust her. She trusts me. If she’s doing something crazy, the truth will come out eventually and vice-versa. If you got into a relationship with silly micro-managing ideals, then why be in a relationship in the first place? Does checking his phone make you any happier? Personal space and boundaries aren’t exclusive to single people.

  7. asking to go through his phone sends a very clear message that you do not trust him.

    If my BF wanted to go through my phone I would feel hurt that he doubts me and I would be upset about the violation of privacy. And in spite of me never having cheated on anyone in my life, and not hiding any other sort of stuff (like crimes or any other weird secrets) I would probably say no on principle. Because it’s messed up to want to violate somebody’s privacy especially if they’ve given you no reason not to trust them.

    And doing this as a weird test of his trust will only erode his trust in you and hurt him. Do not set up strange traps and tests for the person you love.

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