I’ve had a decent relationship with my dad over the years but we don’t spend a lot of time together. I am married with two children as well. I just got a part time job and my husband works fulltime, we average about $50k a year. My dad has a really nice job and averages at least $100k plus my stepmoms job (50-70k). Over the years I have never asked him for much, he wrote a $400 check for my wedding to help out but ultimately that’s as much as he’s ever helped money wise besides the occassional birthday or Christmas gift. On the other hand, my in laws are amazing and have helped so much, my mother in law used to take us to lunch every Friday and pay for the entire family and she makes less than me and my husband. We literally have to pry the debit card from her hand so we can pay sometimes. Every Christmas she gives each of us like $500 and we try to return the favor, we bought her a brand new car once among helping her with anything she needs, she’s just a giving soul.

Last year I got a job close to where my dad works and we went to have lunch once.

At the end of a Chinese buffet meal which was $10/person, we go to checkout at the counter and he asks the lady to split the check.

I bring my lunch to work usually and work during my break so I can charge the extra hour. I average 28 hours a week.

Yesterday he asked me to go to lunch with him after he had offered like 7 times (just been busy at work, hard to take a break sometimes) and the total was $25 for the both of us. He stands up to pay with his card out and hesitates after she tells the total, silence passes and then finally I say “you want me to split it?” and he goes “yes yea that’ll be good”

Am I weird for being offended? We’ve only gone out to lunch twice in 2 years. In the past even for his birthday I went with him and my stepmom and they had me pay for my half. I guess I just see it as he’s offering to go to lunch and he makes over double what my husband and I make. Plus it was embarrassing the first time when he piped up to split it. When my kids are grown I would still pay for them.

I’ve offered to pay for him before but he just says to split it and I can certainly afford to buy him lunch a few times.

This just piles onto how he spends time with my stepmothers grandkids, watches them every weekend but only kept mine twice. He lives 30 mins from me and passes by my exit on his way home all the time. He missed my daughter’s birthday and so offered to take her out to eat but had a health issue that day, hes better now but he hasn’t offered to make it up to her at all. It’s been 3 months.

Maybe I can look at it differently and think that he might offend me if he paid cause im a strong independent working woman, but I make like $15/hr while he makes $52/hr roughly.

  1. If he asked you to lunch with him he should’ve been looking to pick up the tab and let you cover the tip

    Offended though, no …you’ve known him your whole life, this can’t be the 1st time he’s done frugal things lol, so you shouldn’t be surprised

  2. I swear my jaw dropped when I read this post. I’m dealing with the same situation – only difference is i’m a single mom. I was offended AF – i say was because I cut him off. Not because of not paying for meals but the treatment of my son and etc. I still have no idea how to “properly” deal with it. My life is better without him so i guess i dealt with it in the right way.

  3. Shouldn’t assume he’ll pay for you as you’re no longer a child. If you can’t afford to go out and eat, don’t go out and eat.

  4. Funny. I am M(41) and financially retired since 35 years old. I think the last time my dad paid for lunch was 20 years ago. Ever since he knows I made good money I’ve been paying everything for him. He’s 74 I will leave it this way as he isn’t getting younger, but as my dad. I would feel he could pay here and there.

    This said I fully and totally understand how you feel. As a father of 3 kids I can say even when they are older. As their dad I will pay for most of their meals when we go out. It’s just the normal thing to do.

    Talk to your dad. Ask him why he never pays or ask to always split bills. Explain to him your point of of view but be diplomatic about it.

  5. He sounds like a deadbeat?cut him out.youre doing yourself more harm then good here

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