I 15(M) had sex with my 15(F) for the second time and we tried it without a condom for maybe 30 seconds and afterwards we used a condom. We are worried that she can get pregnant because she is had high ovulation today. We read somewhere that you can get pregnant from precum. What should we do? Are the chances of getting pragnant high and should we use a Morning after pill?

  1. If you have doubt, don’t do without.

    Remember that. Always wear a condom. And condoms arnt always 100% either.

  2. Yes you can get pregnant that way. Please use protection and birth control if you can to be safe! Any sort of PIV sex can lead to pregnancy – and some messing around outside it too.

  3. basically if she was really ovulating then there is a much higher chance of pregnancy, but if she just has a period app that told her she’s ovulating those are not really accurate for the average person. That being said no one can actually tell you the chances of pregnancy and even if the chance is 1%, you can always be that 1%. You can take the morning after pill I think up to 5 days after the encounter but it works better the sooner she takes it, because if a baby is conceived already the pill won’t work.

  4. I love how he says we tried it for 30 seconds after when it was probably him that pushed for the 30 seconds smh

  5. Yes, you can conceive a child this way, please, for all that is right and Holy, talk to your parents, get educated, and use birth control.

  6. Yes and no. You can’t get pregnant just by sticking a dick in a pussy. However, you can get pregnant from cum AND precum. At least, research suggest precum -may- contain a low (to none) amount of sperm.

    So, there’s definitely a risk, although small, so keep an eye out.

  7. My wife and I were dumb teenagers at one time. We got pregnant at 17. We got married after our 1st son was born. She was on birth control for the 1st and 2nd pregnancies. They were 5 years apart. We decided to have a 3rd baby, it took over a year to get pregnant. It’s tough to start a family so young, we’ve made it 34 yrs and raised 3 gentlemen to adulthood. So unless you want to have a tough go of it, you better take precautions and use backup measures, like plan B.

  8. Oh she definitely could get pregnant. I would use birth control for sure. I would at least wear a condom every time, especially if there is no other birth control. It might be good for your girlfriend to be on birth control so as long as she takes the pill there’s a pretty low chance of getting pregnant. Also it makes periods less painful and bleeding less prevalent. I’ve been on birth control for about 2 years and it’s great, especially since my periods are hell.

  9. If she was really ovulating, then yes, if she was following a period tracker without checking anything else maybe no but I wouldn’t trust that. While by no means 100% there IS a chance she’ll be fertilized by sperm in your precum or something similar, please, please, use a condom and pill if possible, also encourage her to take her the morning after pill to be perfectly sure. Talk to your parents or and get informed about this. Sex is great, until you’re stuck in a toxic relationship and a bad job because of a kid you didn’t want

  10. This is precisely why you’re too young and immature to be having sex. You put yourself and your partner in danger, of STIs and pregnancy. Always wear a condom and use birth control. Get tested. And FFS pay attention in health class/sex ed!

  11. Without a condom you can get her pregnant pretty easily even if you pull out there’s a small chance it could happen

  12. I got pregnant on the pill. I got pregnant from a broken condom. Plan b didn’t work and I still had to get an abortion. Amazon a human sexuality text book, college level. It’ll help you for your entire life. Share it with your friends, etc. The science and knowledge is so powerful, by the time you’re an actual adult you’ll be slinging mad P lol

  13. Very possible but rare planned parenthood has a lot of Q&A like these look online for questions similar to yours it’ll help! Also when it doubt plan B it will give you peace at mind.

  14. Don’t have a panic attack it’s highly likely she isn’t pregnant but go get a plan b anyway. Try the health department.

  15. if she is ovulating and you let your swimmers loose in her she can most definitely get pregnant, if you plan to go raw in the future, she would be smart to get on birth control.

  16. There is always a chance of getting pregnant. Even if you take birth control perfectly, there’s still a chance.

    Yes you can get pregnant from pre-cum.

    Take plan B. It’s your best bet at this point.

  17. Firstly you are still a kid so you need a slap around the head for being so stupid. Way too young for sex, but seeing as you have already gone there and you are not going to take any notice if a random dude on Reddit so here’s my advice. Yes you can get pregnant through pre cum but it’s very unlikely. The main reason people get pregnant without protection is due to the guy miss timing pulling out which is easily done in the heat of the moment especially when drunk. Me and my partner were using the pull out method for three years with no accidents. We wanted a child and she got pregnant straight away and have been pulling out ever since. So I am confident that your lady friend is not pregnant, but we only stopped using protection because we got our own house and are financially stable so if we were to have an accident it wouldn’t be a bad thing. I would advise you use protection.

  18. Okay, so to answer your question, a woman can get pregnant from pre cum. It’s rare but it does happen. And ovulation can happen at any time, if she’s tracking it on an app then it’s not 100% correct. But if she is having symptoms then yeah she’s probably ovulating. I know yall want to do it raw but it’s just not worth it at your age. I started having sex at 14. Please be smart always use a condom. Birth control is something I don’t believe in for personal reasons but if your gf believes in BC then she should definitely use it. Also plan B will not work if she’s ovulating. An egg Is only good for up to 36 hours after its realsed from the ovary. Your sperm however could live up to 5 days in the perfect environment. Be safe and smart.

  19. There is a risk, but it’s not very high. There are also a lot of risks that come with taking the morning after pill. The hormone levels of it can be extremely harmful for people with mood disorders, and trigger mood disorders in those with underlying mental illness. There are other risks as well. Personally I’d talk with an adult about it. Maybe try to get to a planned parenthood if there are any near you.

  20. You’re probably fine, but don’t do it again. Educate yourself on sex before you continue to engage in it. Just go buy a pregnancy test to take in a few days to ease your minds. I would not take plan B if I were you guys, that pill is not just some simple pill with no side effects. If you’re really unlucky and get a positive test you need to talk to an adult.

  21. Yes you can get pregnant. Please consider some form of birth control for either or both of you.

  22. if she’s not on birth control why would you do it raw while she’s OVULATING??? pls wear condoms and talk about her getting on bc if that’s an option. this is a slippery slope. also while technically you can use plan b it won’t work bc she’s ovulating

  23. Yes you can get pregnant that way , though the chance is slim . Just don’t take the risk , no bag no shag .

  24. Even with a condom you can get pregnant. They break. Nothing is 100 percent, only not having PIV sex.

    There is a way that counts as having sex, but won’t get her pregnant. Oral sex, is definitely an option. Like blowjobs, or going down on her. It can be just as satisfying, to both of you. As long as BOTH are comfortable and CONSENT doing it.

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