My boyfriend and i have been dating for 2 years. It’s the healthiest, best sex and relationship I’ve ever been in. I enjoy giving him BJ’s to show my appreciation from time to time, and i like when he cums in my mouth. Usually when he does, it doesn’t taste bad going in if anything a little salty, but very tolerable. But i notice afterwards that for hours and hours after i have a weird like dull bitter taste in my mouth, that doesn’t go away for any drink or food. Does anyone know why this happens? Lol

  1. My girl eats alotta fruit after haha she said she hates it but does it because it makes the sex hotter haha

  2. Brush teeth, floss, mouthwash, eat a non-citrus fruit or chew fruity gum. Works like a charm

  3. Have your guy eat extra pineapples or citrus an hour or more before. Helps overall with after taste.

    If he is on a plant based diet even better, but that’s a BIG lifestyle choice. Don’t ask for that unless you do it as a team. It’s a big commitment, but you’ll be healthier and sexier for sure.

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