Okay so my partner has a long history of saying things like I will be at your house in an hour and just not following through.. last night we had a phone discussion where he mentioned he will be finishing up where he is then will head straight over this was at 6pm the night goes on and I hear nothing from him but I receive a message at 7am saying he had to go out of state for the night (he does this sometimes) anyway I was incredibly annoyed about this and I guess what I am asking is how you would react in this situation?

  1. That’s not acceptable, I actually can’t understand how he would consider that to be okay

  2. No reasonable person, let alone someone who loves you, would think that’s OK. Massively inconsiderate. You need to put your foot down hard.

  3. Reassess if you want to be with someone who prioritises you below everyone and everything else. Do you want to be a doormat all your life?

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