I was homeschooled for 9 years and a month ago I started this pre-k to 8th charter school.

Recently a lot of girls have started to talk to me giving me their snapchats, numbers, etc.

Yesterday I got added to a group chat with all of my classmates.

But I feel like they’re not being genuine because I’m the “quiet kid” and they’ll have to come up to me if they wanted to talk.

So far they’re treating me like they want to befriend me. Am I just overthinking this?

And also how can I stop being the “quiet kid”?

1 comment
  1. I was the quiet kid all my life and I’m in college now. I went to public school all my life. If these girls are actively trying to include you and they listen to what you say, I’d take that as a clue that they truly want to be your friend. If someone wasn’t being genuine, they wouldn’t care as much to listen to what you like and what you’re saying. Also, how do they treat other people and do they talk about people behind their backs? Since I was a quiet kid, sooo many nasty people would talk to me just to shit on other people.

    As for overcoming being a “quiet” kid, try saying hi to the girls that come up to you. Like if you see them in class or the hallways just say “hi! their name”. If you want to turn it into a conversation, you could compliment something they’re wearing, talk about the class, etc. Try raising your hand in class too. It’s fairly easy to be considered a “quiet” kid if you don’t talk that much so it’s not ultimately a bad thing.

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